Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


End of First Week: Results and Reflections

Well a week has passed since I began my quest for the Tap Fish World Record and as you can see by the top line of the picture. I just barely made it to Tank 35. It took a Herculean effort; I sold 27+ tanks of Green Snappers five times over and three tanks of Golden Dwarfs for a grand total of 138 tanks sold. You can also see by the picture that my fish are hungry. Unfortunately, they are going to stay that way. The extra time it takes to clean a tank and feed the fish is not worth the lousy 1 coin and 1 experience point they make.
Do the math. If you spend even one minute to feed, sell, and restock one tank, that is over two and a half hours of work! As a result I cut out the feeding and clean only at night so I restock a tank in less that 30 seconds. It is very cruel to the fish that they never eat, and as a result they average about 40% happiness when they are sold. I do take proper care of my moneymaking Golden Dwarfs however.
Physically, it is starting to take its toll. My left arm is hurting me (I'm a lefty) and I feel tired from getting up at five thirty in the morning to begin my tap fish day. Does this mean that I will give up my quest after a week? Hell no! I'm in it till the bitter end (or at least until I smash my finger through the Iphone glass!). Predictions for tomorrow will be again to go up five levels to 40 or the halfway point. Then the real fun will begin.
I would like to thank all of you who have given me encouragement and have read my blog. I can't tell you how encouraging that actually is. Take care all of you. May your dreams be sweet.

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