Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 27: World Cup Tapping

Wednesday is usually my hardest day at work, but I incredibly put up a personal best of 46,164 XP thanks to the World Cup.
Here in Japan we have caught World Cup fever especially with our team making it into the best 16. We were up against Paraguay, and the game started 11 pm local time, just when I finished yesterdays blog. I wanted to sleep, but my family was egging we on to watch with them. Considering I hadn't watch TV in about three weeks. I gave in, brought my IPhone, and began cheering and tapping. Luckily the game was one of those uninteresting scoreless draw with overtime and a shootout, so I had lots of time to tap away. As a result I found myself going to bed at about two in the morning having tapped already 20,000 XP to my next days total. No sleep mind you, but lots of XP! I got up at five-thirty, started my day, tapped when I could, and leveled up to 68 before eight at night. All is going smoothly and I should be on level 70 before a month is up.
What will today's topic be then? Yesterday I talked about what I would like to see changed in Tap Fish, how about then I talk about things I don't want changed? First of all, I don't like this thing in the latest version where you can love your fish every three hours and get XP and coins just for showing up. Why should we get benefits for doing basically nothing? My wife sure doesn't give me any bonus points for coming back from work everyday, why should my fish be so grateful to give me money. Also, what exactly am I doing when I love a fish tank? If I love an empty tank? Who is getting all that love? Lots of people give suggestions that would help make Tap Fish faster, but they don't realize that lots of the tedious tasks like selling, filling tanks, and cleaning them contribute to the game play. It also mirrors what we would do in real life with real life fish. Who would play Tap Fish if it was so streamlined that we could reach level 80 in a day or two. I therefore would like to encourage Tap Fish to ignore the pleas of those who wish to make the game easier and stick to the time tested fish raising traditions that make Tap Fish Great. As Tom Hank once said in A League of Their Own:
Of course it is hard, if it wasn't everyone would do it. Being hard is what makes it great!

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