Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 15: After Two Weeks this Grunt Appears

Today was a pretty standard day. Bought and sold five times, up two levels, and earned about 39,000 experience points, another new record. Tomorrow could be the day I first average 40,000.
Along with this much of the talk on my blog and Facebook is whether I am doing enough to get the 600 mil. for the Great Whites. I am not worried because of the math geniuses of Joonie and Tracie to whom I shall credit as coaches if I even do complete this mission. If you check my blog comments, Joonie has a plan to get me to level 80 with the 600 mil to buy the sharks. All I have to do now is ensure that I have the 11 million to buy the three tanks of eels on the day I hit level 65, about a week or so away. She's worked so hard on it that, gosh darn it to heck, I'll give it a try.
However a new player has appeared that has made life interesting. Tap Fish has introduced a new fish in the super exotic category to day: the White Grunt.
The White Grunt is almost as ugly as a Dwarf, (I haven't seen one swimming around my toilet, at least) and like the Dwarf the numbers are awesome. I project a fully happy one to sell at 7,056 coins or 2856 profit. This from a fish that takes only a day to raise! Over six days that's about 17,000 profit, which would blow away a Barracuda in both coins and points.
With this news I sold off my mature Swords and Dwarves and replaced them with Grunts. Tomorrow then, I will run about two tanks of Swords (I have to wait for them to mature in two days, this is the chief drawback of a High Level), and about 4 tanks of Grunts for 6 money-making tanks. The remaining 49 tanks are Yellow?Greenie combo, which I hope to sell off five times tomorrow. I should be on level 57 by the day's end.
On another topic, some have been wondering how I handle this tapping with the job and all. Basically,I have five fifteen minute tapping sessions throughout the day. Tomorrow I will start at 4:30 in the morning, go back to bed, then tap again at about 8:30 just before work starts. My next tapping will be a bit later, at about one followed by one at six when work is done and I'm prepping to go home. I will spend some family time (which means playing Barbies with my daughter) until she nods off at nine. At 10:30 I will do my last round, which takes longer because I also clean tanks then, and sell the coin tanks. Reload and write this blog for the next day, and I should be in bed by twelve or so. Waking up at four one time to tap is maybe not best for my health, but I need to get in two rounds before work to ensure I get five in the whole day.
This routine will be used for everyday except Tuesday and Wednesday, when I harder work schedule means I probably can only do four rounds. I'm not sure what the best strategy is on those days. Any ideas?
Take care and good luck tapping, everyone!


  1. Dear Joonie,
    I hope you read this. I by no means think your logic is flawed, on the contrary it is quite fascinating! I have one real-life question for you though. ON most days I am selling five times a day with a goal of 40,000 points a day. However, my job doesn't permit me to sell more than 4 times on Tues and Wed. what is the best plan for those days? Last week I went up to 20 tanks of Dwarves and about 30 tanks of Greenies in an attempt to earn more coin.

  2. Hmmm -- My first thought: what if you took your extra available cash, and put that in as many tanks of Grunts as you can ( I'm still working on the advantage of these -- just put in a bunch myself) Fill up all the other tanks with greenies--

    Here's my take on greenies -- I use them exclusively night and day - no orangies no yellowies, no goldies or bluies. Why? My tap finger knows where to find them without even looking, they are usually ready when I have time -- if they're not, they are so cheap I can short sell them during TV commercials or chatty phone calls or early morning insomnia -- works much better than warm milk as a sleep inducer. I still come out ahead in XP even if I only tap them twice in one day. All the rest of my coins can be used for really profitable fish that don't take up much room.

    I'll think about this one. Would love to hear some other opinions. More Later . . .hope you're in bed, sounds like a big day tomorrow.

  3. God knew your quest and sent the Grunt!!
    God is always fair. - I agree that Grunt is ugly.

    Go Japan Soccer tonight!!!
    Your fan from Korea

  4. Well done on leveling up so much.
    However, I have 12 million coins and haven't really been trying for the last few weeks. What is your total worth up to?
