Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 8: Reflections about hitting the half way point

Seven days, 22 hours. That's how long it took me to go from levels 1-40. Considering it took me over two months when I was playing casually, I'm quite amazed at what my left tapping arm has done. However the tanks and levels are only half the story. My goal was not only to be the fastest to level 80 but to have all 80 tanks then full with fifty great whites. This means I need a net worth of 600 million. However what am I worth now?
Let's see........
I have 86000 coins on hand. I own 2 barracudas, 7 Swordfish, 3.5 tanks of Golden Dwarfs, 22 tanks of goldfish and 14 tanks of Yellow Snappers. Adding all this up at the buying price of each fish, I am presently worth approximately.....(drum roll)......
288,800 coins.
This means I am about 1/1800 to my coin goal. If I were on level 80 today, I might be able to buy two Great Whites.
Luckily, however, coins are not under the same restrictions points and levels are, so this is definitely an area that can increase exponentially. The trick is to know when to switch from a point-getting game to a coin-getting game. To this end I will try from now on change my strategy a little. Instead of worrying about how many money-getting tanks I have compared to point getting ones, I will let my job, lifestyle and day of the week decide. At my work I am incredibly busy on Tuesday and Thursday with little time to play tap fish. On these day I will switch all my tanks as best as I am able to Golden Dwarfs. On the others when I have more time I will keep on with the Green snapper/Yellow snapper/Goldfish combo and go for the points and try to move up two or three levels on these day. I will continue like this until the tantalizing electric eels open up on level 65. From there I will try a Golden Dwarf/High level fish combo of mostly eels until I reach level 80. By that time I should have enough coin to buy the 4000 Great Whites I need to.
What do you think of this strategy? Give me a holler.
Take care everyone, and thanks for reading!


  1. Are you still having fun?

    Your strategy sounds good. Do you figure in 90+% happiness? Oh, I guess you are moving from inventory the props you need for happiness.

    I've gotten to the point where I can only play on weekends. It takes too long to take care of the tanks. I buy and sell all weekend, and then empty my tanks except for a few with barracudas and swordfish. I feed those once a day and when the weekend comes I play again. I'm still having fun, and I like to rearrange the props.

  2. Thanks for the comment Julia. No I am only considering in my net worth the buying price right now. When I sell it I will put it in my net worth.
    It is taking a lot of time and I am only still on level 42! Hopefully I can reach the record in a month and get on with my life. Trying to enjoy while I can, though.
