Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day Ten: Results and Reflections

Having such a confusing and tiring Day Nine, I decided to play it a little conservative on day Ten. I loaded 8 tanks instead of the usual 4 with Golden Dwarf so I would have less tanks to worry about throughout the day. I also knew that prior commitments would keep me off my iPhone until about noon, so I loaded my first batch of fish with all Yellow Snappers. As a result I could only go through 4 selling sessions instead of the usual 5. I tapped for extra points like crazy throughout the day, but ended up with a 24,000 point gain, or about 3,000 points less than the previous day. Monday looks to be a smooth sailing day, however, so I lowered my Golden Dwarf/High Level tanks down to 6 and thus will be running 39 point tanks tomorrow. I therefore predict at least a three level jump, with an outside chance at a four level jump. Level 49 anyone?
Today I wrote to Bayview Labs to see if they would recognize my record, if I do set it. I wish nothing but the best for them so I hope I get a favorable reply.
In other news, I have lost 3 pounds since I started this quest. I guess I can't snack and tap at the same time. Or else tapping is better exercise that it appears to me. Have a struck upon a great new way to diet?
Take care, everyone, and keep those comments coming!


  1. I'm concerned about the # of coins you are collecting -- to get coins the fastest -- all of your money could be invested at any point. You say you are shunning the high dollar fishes -- if you think of them as investments instead of expenses, you can store a lot more working capital in a much smaller space, leaving you more snapper tanks. I understand the golden dwarf formula, but that really sacrifices lots of tanks. You say you are halfway there -- yes, in number of tanks, but less than 1/10th in EX points. I,m hoping you pull this off. Consider every option!

  2. Dear Joonie,
    Thanks for the comment. I not sure I follow you completely, but I believe you are suggesting, that I invest most of my money in one tank of High Levels and use the rest for Green Snappers for the points.
    There is some merit to your arguement (in fact I went with part of it by buying about 20 new HIgh Levels today.) However please consider the following. First the ex points, you mention that while I'm over halfway in levels, I still have a ways to go when it comes to Ex points. True, but you seem to be forgetting that it is so much easier to get them when you level up. Think back to when you first started the game. On my first day, I tapped like crazy but could only get 1000. The second day, it quadrupled to 4000. Today, I got over 33,000 points, more than 6000 more ever before. Of course the leveling up will slow down when tap fish doubles the requirement but only gives you one extra tank. Still the rate I am collecting is a fast one.
    Second, I see you points about not collecting coins but investing them. In fact, on your advice I invested some today. However you must keep in mind that you are essentially losing potential Ex points everytime you buy a High Level Fish that takes a long time to breed. Take a barracuda, for instance. Sure the payoff is great, but in the six days it takes for it to give me the three EX points, I could have gotten 90 EX points if I had it replaced with a green snapper. Now apply that to a whole tank of barracudas! Investing in High Levels slow down the game , but a Golden Dwarf is a good alternative because it doubles its sales price but can be sold daily, thus reducing the Ex point damage. Of course I still need 600 mil coins so high levels will play a part, but I think most of that could wait until later in the game when eels come that yeild much but also mature in a mere 4 days.
    As for putting in more snapper tanks compared to GOlden Dwarves, I think logistics and the real world get in the way. Today I ran 42 Green Snapper tanks and I was quite tapped out. I think my arm would fall off if I ran 60 or 70 snapper tanks! I also have to eat, work, sleep, ad talk to my family occasionally. Golden Dwarfs give me balance to still run a fair about of Snapper tanks , make a little more money,and keep sanity in my life. Thanks for reading!
