Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 18: Level 60 the Silver Age

Today is a symbolic day in that I entered the 60's. It is symbolic in that this is it's two-thirds of the level journey and about one third of the entire journey. Given 40,000 points a level through the 60's and 80,000 points a level trough the 70's, if I can somehow manage 40,000 points a day, it will take me another month (48 day in total) to complete the quest. No more sprinting through 3 or 4 levels a day. It is now a marathon just to get through even one level a day. It will take at least two a day to get through the seventies.
This is assuming, however, that I can maintain a 40,000 point average. My best day so far has been 39,800 experience points. I thought I could beat it today but I was so physically and mentally exhausted at the six o'clock feeding that I filled up on gold fish and took the night off. I was totally beaten up. The Tap Fish Apollo Creed was hammering away at me and I couldn't go the distance. 35,000 xp was the best I could do. I need a breather, but there is no one around to tap my fish for me.
Anyway, my busy work days, Tuesday and Wednesday, are upon me, so I'm changing my strategy. Tanks 1 to 17 are Grunts. tanks 18 to 23 are Dwarves (couldn't afford any more Grunts) and 24 to 60 are Goldfish that were put in the tank at seven at night. I'll sell the goldfish in the morning, restock half the tanks with more goldfish to be sold after school and the other half with Greenies to be sold every four hours. If I am in good condition I should be able to sell and restock those 23 tanks in less than 10 minutes.
This will mean a big reduction in points, but with the 11,000 point head start I have, I only need 29,000 to hit 61. On the other hand, I'll be rich! The fears that some readers had about not being able to earn enough to get the 600 million needed for the sharks were put to waste when the Grunts appear. Think of it this way, I need 11 million to buy 3 tanks of electric eels when I first reach level 65 in order to generate enough cash when I reach level 80 to buy all the great whites. One tanks of Grunts produces almost enough money to buy two eels, and tomorrow I will raise 17 tanks, giving me enough money to by 30 eels in one day. With 5 days to go to 65, that's more than enough for 3 tanks. God bless those ugly little White Grunts.
Off to bed now. Hopefully by Thursday I will recoup enough mentally and physically to aim for that 40,000 point average. All in all, I would like to finish the quest in 50 days. That's a nice number. Like the ice hockey tradition: 50 goals in 50 games!

1 comment:

  1. I think they must have introduced those grunts just for you! Looks like you're sitting just where you need to be. As I was running some new calcs through my head while harvesting my greenies, I lost concentration and sold an entire tank of hybrid fish and a few fishbuck fish .. this was followed by accidently filling an entire tank with turtles!!! Arrgh! Think I'll lay off the math for a while -- obviously, you have your system down, and I am losing mine!
