Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 25: Results, Reflections, and Other

Today was another good tapping day with a total of about 42,000. I was using 59 tanks because of the eels, but I managed to sell them 5 times over. tomorrow is a much harder work day, but I will only need to tap about 35,000 to get to the next level. I also managed to scrape together the dough for two more Electric eels, which I plan to put in tomorrow morning.
Basically I succeeded by keeping my movements to a minimal. I dealt only in Greenies, and kept my tanks in order so I would not have to jump all over the place. The next tank in line was always the next to be sold, which meant I could sell throughout the day even when I had little time. From tomorrow on, though, I will be busy at work until about next Wednesday, so we will have to see how successful this strategy really is. And the most beautiful thing about it is that my arm doesn't hurt at all!
With nothing really more profound to say, let's talk about my Tap Fish Origins. I got Tap Fish because I thought having an aquarium to decorate my Iphone would be cool. I should have downloaded iAquarium, but I ended up with Tap Fish by mistake. In the beginning I just wanted to have a few good-looking tanks, so I tried to limit my growth. My original game ended with me having only 23 tanks and 41 levels. However as the game drudged on and the next level got harder and harder to obtain, the fun seemed to leave Tap Fish.
After leaving Tap Fish mostly for about a week, it suddenly dawned on me that this could be an opportunity for me. I've always liked video games,but was never really good at them my little brother (and later my wife) always seemed to get the better score. This coupled with my birthday approaching, I decided to do something that seemed a little permanent. I had always wanted to set a record, but was not particularly good at anything. How about Tap Fish. It seemed popular, but there was not any official record per se. I dusted off my Tap Fish 5, mustered up the courage to lose two months of my life and endure the ridicule of those judgemental or jealous, and began my Tap Fish Quest.
While some days have been hard (like the latter half of last week) all in all I feel I've become a better person. I felt the warm friendship of those who cheered me on or offered me advice, and as long as I complete my quest, I can live the rest of my life holding my head up high, knowing that I had once set a world record at something. Thank you, Tap Fish, for all that you have given me so far, and I also promise to buy oodles of Fish Bucks when this game is over and I return to my original game. Take care all!


  1. How comes you need 'only' 40000 xp points to reach a next level when others have to add up to 100'000 xp points to climb from level 45 to 46?
    Is there a trick?

  2. No trick. You need to update your version of Tap Fish. YOu are still playing, the old, impossible one.

  3. Ah, thx, how easy... :)
