Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day Thirteen: Love and Support from Tap Fish

Hello everyone! Today was another hard work day so I focused again on coins over points. Still I did better than the day before going up 23,000 points and 450,000 coins.
I got a great treat today with Tap Fish encouraging me on and being told that I have showed enough evidence that my quest is legitimate and that they will recognize me as the world record holder if I manage to complete it. I got lots of love from my fellow Fish Tappers, but also some boos from some people who feel a great need to tell me I'm an addicted loser and that I am wasting my time (See Dan M on yesterdays comments.) Apparently we can forgive people for wasting time watching TV or getting drunk at the bar for a few hours, but heaven forbid someone waste 2 or so hours a day playing Tap Fish.
By the way, that's all I really need to play to continue my quest. It is not a 24 hour affair, especially since there is not really much to do when you are waiting for your fish to grow. During the day I am selling\restocking about 40 tanks a maximum 5 times a day. I should put a stopwatch to myself sometime, but I estimate it takes me about 15 minutes to sell/restock those 40 odd tanks. These are very intense 15 minutes however. It is not like I'm drinking a cup of coffee or talking on the phone while I'm doing it. I'm sprinting through it! You want to keep the time of restocking to a minimun because if you don't your tanks get unsynced and you do end up waisting too much time taking care of them all. You must be thinking about and doing nothing but tapping during that 15 min. No cleaning, loving, feeding or anything else. That can all be done later or not at all. The space between the first tank and the last tank must be as small as possible in order to have a life away from Tap Fish.
However, who really wants a life away from Tap Fish? Let's get down to business, shall we? Let's talk strategy, and by that I mean lets talk fish math.
My friend Joonie is worried about my lack of high level fish. She feels that I'm sacrificing too many coins and am thinking all about the XP points. To a point her argument is valid, and to that extent I have made my first two tanks into Sword Fish tanks, the only High Level fish I consider worthwhile at this point at the game. However, a flaw in her thinking is that she thinks I should try to reach Level 80 and have the 600 mil for the Great Whites at the same time. I don't think I agree with this however. Wouldn't it be easier to get coins if I had more tanks running and operating? To that extent I believe it is important to get to level 80 as soon as I can, even if when reaching it I am not rich enough to by all 4000 Great Whites at that very moment.
That does not mean I will run 60 or 70 tanks of Green Snappers. That would be too much tapping to handle. I think for a present goal for me would be to try to put up over 35,000 points on a normal speed day, and about 25,000 on a busy day. The two busy days would be my coin days, where I hope to put up big coin numbers. Today, for instance, I ran one tank of Swords, 19 of Dwarfs, and 31 of Greenies for a 23,000 point profit and 450,000 coins.
This brings me to the math. To average 35,000 points, how many snapper tanks would I need? Well with a 150 point profit from each tank, I have to move 233 tanks. If I can sell and restock 5 times, I need 46 tanks of snappers. What about the remaining tanks? Well, as Joonie suggested, it would be best to keep them stocked with high level fish. As my tanks increase, so will my high level ones. This is my plan and goal for tomorrow. I will run 46 tanks of Greenies, two tanks of Swords, and three of Dwarfs. I'll try this technique for the next 4 days an see how far I get. Wish me luck!


  1. It is all good but hopefully you don't tap-and-drive. Eventually you might start seeing fishies in your sleep and waking hours!!XD Hope ya beat the record!! Here's rooting for ya!!

  2. Pfannmuller, I was just curious, do you work or go to school? On the weekend, I'm able to do green snappers every four hours, but during the week, when I'm at work, there's no way. So it's just Goldfish in the morning and Goldfish in the evening. Well, those and several tanks of Swordfish and Barracudas, plus my hyrbrid tanks and breeders.

  3. Dear Friends,
    No, I don't drive and tap. My commute is very short. I usually find a quiet place where I won't be disturbed and tap like hell for 15 min.

    This also answers KinkyDragons question. I do work, but I also have well spaced coffee breaks and a lunch break where I use to tap. Still on Tuesday and Wednesday I also have trouble every 4 hours, so I somethimes but in a roudn of Yellow Snappers of Goldfish too, or I reduce the number of greenie tanks so I can do it during a bathroom break.

  4. Hi, not sure if you're already doing this. When you are dropping eggs are you using 3-4 fingers? only need 13-17 tap rounds per tank instead of 25 or 50 with a single or double finger tap.

    Might help with the finger cramps, I've got no problems with going through 50 tanks in 20 minutes fully clean, fed and loved.

    Just a thought...good going though.

  5. My Status from June 3 or 4 (Can't remember exact start date)
    level :50
    coins : 7837
    Tank 1 : breeding
    Tank 2 : Sword Fish
    Tank 3~26 : Golden Dwarf
    Tank 27~50 : Green Snapper

    Good Luuk! Challenger!!
