Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 27: World Cup Tapping

Wednesday is usually my hardest day at work, but I incredibly put up a personal best of 46,164 XP thanks to the World Cup.
Here in Japan we have caught World Cup fever especially with our team making it into the best 16. We were up against Paraguay, and the game started 11 pm local time, just when I finished yesterdays blog. I wanted to sleep, but my family was egging we on to watch with them. Considering I hadn't watch TV in about three weeks. I gave in, brought my IPhone, and began cheering and tapping. Luckily the game was one of those uninteresting scoreless draw with overtime and a shootout, so I had lots of time to tap away. As a result I found myself going to bed at about two in the morning having tapped already 20,000 XP to my next days total. No sleep mind you, but lots of XP! I got up at five-thirty, started my day, tapped when I could, and leveled up to 68 before eight at night. All is going smoothly and I should be on level 70 before a month is up.
What will today's topic be then? Yesterday I talked about what I would like to see changed in Tap Fish, how about then I talk about things I don't want changed? First of all, I don't like this thing in the latest version where you can love your fish every three hours and get XP and coins just for showing up. Why should we get benefits for doing basically nothing? My wife sure doesn't give me any bonus points for coming back from work everyday, why should my fish be so grateful to give me money. Also, what exactly am I doing when I love a fish tank? If I love an empty tank? Who is getting all that love? Lots of people give suggestions that would help make Tap Fish faster, but they don't realize that lots of the tedious tasks like selling, filling tanks, and cleaning them contribute to the game play. It also mirrors what we would do in real life with real life fish. Who would play Tap Fish if it was so streamlined that we could reach level 80 in a day or two. I therefore would like to encourage Tap Fish to ignore the pleas of those who wish to make the game easier and stick to the time tested fish raising traditions that make Tap Fish Great. As Tom Hank once said in A League of Their Own:
Of course it is hard, if it wasn't everyone would do it. Being hard is what makes it great!


Day 26: Results and Reflections.

Today was a busy day at work, so I could only go through 4 rounds of buying and selling. Still, that was enough to raise 37,000 XP and I got to Level 67 at about 9:00. Keeping my tanks very organized has lowered the guess work because the next tank is always the next to sell. My projection is that I will be on level 70 after 29 days.
As for coins, since I am waiting mostly on the eels and I've been dealing almost entirely in snappers, the coins have been few and far between. However my tank 5 is half Grunts and 6 is all grunts, so I am getting a little bit of a boost from them. Basically, I am earning enough cash everyday to buy about 4 Eels, which I buy the moment I have the money. Hopefully this persistence will let me get the 600mil before I reach Level 80. If I get the money in the bank a little early, I can free up the tanks for Greenies on the last day. I wonder how it would be like to say, try to sell off 79 tanks of Greenies in one run? How long would it take?
On other topics, one thing I think would be useful in Tap Fish would be if they provided folders to to your tanks. That way you could just jump folders to find the fish you want instead of scrolling down every tank to where you want to go. They should also rethink their fish categories. There are so many super exotic fish now that they don't feel so super exotic anymore. Moreover, there seems to be little incentive to use any of the exotic fish anymore. Why are penguins are in High Levels and not marine life? Don't you find it strange that we have starter fish that cost fish bucks?(Can't really use them as starters if you do that!) Having expanded so much so fast, a little reorganization may do them wonders and streamline the games.
These are just my random thoughts, overall, I still really love this game.
Well, Tap Fish, what do you think? Do I have any good ideas here?
Take care and have a good day tapping!

Day 25: Results, Reflections, and Other

Today was another good tapping day with a total of about 42,000. I was using 59 tanks because of the eels, but I managed to sell them 5 times over. tomorrow is a much harder work day, but I will only need to tap about 35,000 to get to the next level. I also managed to scrape together the dough for two more Electric eels, which I plan to put in tomorrow morning.
Basically I succeeded by keeping my movements to a minimal. I dealt only in Greenies, and kept my tanks in order so I would not have to jump all over the place. The next tank in line was always the next to be sold, which meant I could sell throughout the day even when I had little time. From tomorrow on, though, I will be busy at work until about next Wednesday, so we will have to see how successful this strategy really is. And the most beautiful thing about it is that my arm doesn't hurt at all!
With nothing really more profound to say, let's talk about my Tap Fish Origins. I got Tap Fish because I thought having an aquarium to decorate my Iphone would be cool. I should have downloaded iAquarium, but I ended up with Tap Fish by mistake. In the beginning I just wanted to have a few good-looking tanks, so I tried to limit my growth. My original game ended with me having only 23 tanks and 41 levels. However as the game drudged on and the next level got harder and harder to obtain, the fun seemed to leave Tap Fish.
After leaving Tap Fish mostly for about a week, it suddenly dawned on me that this could be an opportunity for me. I've always liked video games,but was never really good at them my little brother (and later my wife) always seemed to get the better score. This coupled with my birthday approaching, I decided to do something that seemed a little permanent. I had always wanted to set a record, but was not particularly good at anything. How about Tap Fish. It seemed popular, but there was not any official record per se. I dusted off my Tap Fish 5, mustered up the courage to lose two months of my life and endure the ridicule of those judgemental or jealous, and began my Tap Fish Quest.
While some days have been hard (like the latter half of last week) all in all I feel I've become a better person. I felt the warm friendship of those who cheered me on or offered me advice, and as long as I complete my quest, I can live the rest of my life holding my head up high, knowing that I had once set a world record at something. Thank you, Tap Fish, for all that you have given me so far, and I also promise to buy oodles of Fish Bucks when this game is over and I return to my original game. Take care all!


Day 24: Level 65 Electric Eels

There are eels in my tanks! Yesterday I had one of my best days ever, tapping 43,000 points. I reached level 65, but a little after my official start time so my Level 65 record is 24 days 1 hour.As for my present condition, I have 4 tanks of eels and 32 in another. That tank is topped out with grunts and I filled one more tank with grunts for good measure. The remaining 59 tanks are being used for Greenies.
So now the game becomes boring. I will be doing almost the same thing everyday: selling my greenies while waiting for my eels to mature. To break this monotony and try to make my blog interesting, I will post various thoughts and reflections based on ways to improve Tap Fish and less on Speed Strategy. Hope you enjoy them. Well, it is off to work! Take care to everyone out there!


Day 24 Midday: A Big Decision Coming Soon

Hello, everyone. Here is another midday blog.

It's 5:30 in the afternoon and I've already stacked up 33,000 XP meaning today is my best shot ever of breaking the 40,000 point barrier. More importantly, however, it means I'm a mere 15,000 XP away from Level 65 and my electric eels. With the ability to by the electric eels and their staggering profit margin means I can finally gather the money to buy the Great Whites when I get to level 80. If you look back at my blog to day 14 or so, you will see a post by Joonie relating how I can go from Level 65 to Level 80 starting with only the 11.25 million needed to buy three tanks of eels. The whole process was designed to take about 24-25 days. However, since I have almost 18 mil and not just 11 mil, I 've decided to go with 4 tanks of eels, a half tank eels(15 million) and Grunts, and then 60 tanks of Greenies. All of the eels will get reinvested until I hit 600 mil. If I am not on level 80 by that point then I will be pushing through 80 tanks of Greenies until 80 is hit. I hope my goal can be completed in less than 26 days so my record will be under 50 days.
Wish me luck!


Day 23: Reflections

Well, I fell short of the 40,000 XP goal again today. That is not to say I wasn't tapping my heart out. I ran though about 230 tanks of Greenies for a total about 35,000 points. I think unless the sluggish OS4 tap fish problem gets fixed so I can get back to selling/stocking in 17 seconds again, I don't hold much hope for breaking the 40,000 points. Enough with the excuses, however. In any challenge there is something you can't control, and for me Tap Fish's OS4 problems are such a thing. I'll just keep doing my best from day to day.
Oh, but how I would love to break 40,000 XP at least once!
Anyway on to other topics.....
I haven't heard from coach Joonie recently, but I'm well over the required 11.25 million necessary to buy the 3 tanks of Electric eels necessary to get my 600 million coin by Level 80. In fact, I could buy 4 tanks and still have almost 3 million left over. Is this recommended, however? Should I sacrifice the tank to raise more eels sooner or use keep selling Greenies in the extra tank? Right now I am in favor of not buy 4 tanks of eels but sticking to the 3 tank plan you designed. However if I get the money well before I hit 80, I could keep the money in coins and use all my tanks to push for XPs.
Anyway, it is something I have to ponder over the next two days before I hit 65 on Monday. If you have any thoughts on this, drop me a line.
Oh, by the way, there seems to be a lovely woman from California named Richelle who has taken upon herself to challenge me. I don't know her coin total or if she is documenting it, or if she has used fishbucks or not, but she has just hit 60 after 21 days. If she can tap out 40,000 points a day, she should be at level 80 in 51 days, or about a day behind me. If she can pick up the pace to 42,000 or so, she could easily over take me. Good luck to you Richelle, however I hope you let me hold the record for, say, at least 5 minutes or so.
Good luck to every one in the Tap Fish World!

Day 23 Midday Blog

Sorry for the short blog the other day. I tried the new method, but with experiments with various fish, I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible to sell off a whole tank by hand in less than a minute. The sell button does not pop up fast enough for this to happen. A minute fifteen seconds is a more realistic time with this method. This means that to reach 40,000 points a day by this method you would have to be tapping over 7 hours a day. I did about 4 hours and got 25,000. No more for me, thank you.
On the bright side my 50 tanks of grunts raised my coins to over 17 million, so I have enough to buy my 3 tanks of eels on level 65. If I am to get there on Monday as promised I'll have to get to work, so I decided to streamline my process. From here on out I will only deal with Greenies and sell all my tanks in sequential order, no jumping here and there. This straightforward approach means I can tap whenever I want and I will always be tapping in the most mature tank. Hopefully the efficiency of this model will push me to high XP number today.
As to the questions of my last pic. How did I get full bonus points on a filthy tank with unfed fish. It is a bug in the program. Unless you tap on a fish to reveal its happiness, the Tap Fish program doesn't really know how happy your fish are. If you put decorations in the tank ahead of time that add up to plus 90% happiness, the program seems to think that this overrides the algae and hunger so you get the extra bonus. However if you touch a fish to reveal it's true happiness, however, all this is gone. It is really hit and miss. since the program is confused. I've even had the opposite happen, when happy, well-fed fish were deemed unhappy. I've even had the experience when Tap Fish gave me 6,370 coins for a tank of Greenies when it should have given me 637! It is one of those luck bugs in the system.
Try it out and see if it works for you. remember that you must sell bulk without touching a fish. If you touch it, you'll get no bonus.
Happy tapping today!

Day Twenty Two: No Blog Today

Sorry to everyone, but I am so mentally exhausted from tapping so much that I'm just going to pass out in my fish bowl tonight. I'll try to write early tomorrow. Let's say that selling every fish individually in 200 plus tanks is just not a viable option. In fact, it's damn near impossible. Let me sleep. I promise a better blog tomorrow.


Day Twenty-one: A New Approach?

Let's start off with an explanation of the picture of a tank I sold earlier on the day. As you can see it is possible to have a filthy tanks with fish that have never been fed and still get full over 90% happiness points. That tank of Green Snappers should sell for only 637 coins but it isn't. Maybe I'll explain how to do this someday, but for now, more pressing matters....
Today was a frustrating day because I didn't get near the 40,000 XP I wanted and had to settle for 31,000. The biggest reason for this the New OS 4 software released by Apple. It is great for my IPhone 3GS, but disastrous for my Tap Fish game. Because of this upgrade, Tap Fish now takes long pauses when selling or restocking fish. which slows my selling pace. A week or so ago I timed myself selling/restocking a whole tank at a 17 second pace, and this was an early-morning time when I was still groggy. Today I retimed myself fully-away and found my pace has dropped to 25 sec a tank. What is 8 seconds you may say? In this game, a lifetime! Needing to sell 267 tanks a day, this 8 secs adds 36 minutes to my tap fishing day. It makes it nearly impossible to totally sell my fish during work coffee breaks, which leads to XP totals like to day. To top it all off, I made just a pittance running Greenies all day long.
All of this brings me to a suggest posted by two gentlemen on my blog two days ago. There advice was basically to fill 6o tanks will Grunts to be sold at the end of the day and then have one tank of Greenies that I relentlessly sell over and over again the moment they are hatched. Basically, I would be paying 500 coins for 150 XP because newly-hatched Greenies don't bring in any money. However, all the extra Grunts would more than pay for this loss.
Now we all know about this, and we all have probably done this from time to time. I have done this in this game mainly when I am really close to going over a level (say 500 XP away) and want that extra tank quickly. I haven't done this much, however because it is very hard. Individual sales take three times more tapping than bulk sales it takes much more time to sell off a whole tank. That means increased playing time and hence more exhaustion. Remember that those baby Greenies are much smaller and thus harder to tap on compared to an adult, and if you miss, they take off like a rocket making it even more difficult to tap them. You then have to concentrate hard in this method compared to the absent-minded selling of the bulk method. All in all, it doesn't seem like a very wise strategy, especially for a working stiff like me.
I have, however, been considering this method, and will give it a run tomorrow. Why? Well, first of all, with the sluggishness of Tap Fish on OS4, I am taking more time anyway. The bulk sales advantage is a lot smaller now than it once was.
Second, with all the other tanks full with day long fish, I have no real need to change tanks during the day, which will save me a little time there too. Third, with all the other tanks full with coin-makers, I should make an obscene amount of coins in one day. Finally, and here is the best advantage, is that this method allows me to tap at any time of the day without waiting for tanks to mature. This method makes a five-minute toilet break be as valuable as a 20 minute coffee break.
But can a person really do this? Can a person sell 40,000 XP of fish using this method and still have a life or even a job?
Let's do the math.
First the bulk method: 267 tanks need to be sold in a day to reach 40,000. At 25 seconds a tank, that's 111.25 minutes a day of tapping. Spread out over five times, that's 22.25 minutes for one sell/restock session. If the speed ever returns to 17 seconds a tank, its five fifteen minute sessions or one hour, 15 minutes.
Now, the (what shall I call it?) the baby selling method: 267 tanks all sold by hand, at say one minute a tank, would take 267 minutes. However if I bulk-sell the grunts and don't worry about how happy they are, I could shave off 35 minutes. Still that is 232 minutes or 3.87 hours of tapping. The bulk sales seem to be the victor.
But wait a minute! I need to factor in that I do not have to wait to sell or set specific times like in the bulk method. Let's give this freedom say, a 15 minute advantage to the Baby-Selling method. Still, it is 111 versus 217, a hundred minute difference.
However, what if I sold faster than 1 tank a minute. Is 1 tank in 45 seconds possible? If it is, I could sell them off in 174 minutes. Factor in the 15 minute freedom advantage, the gap between bulk and Baby is only 48 extra minutes.
A lot then, rests on how fast I can individually sell a tank. I think 45 seconds would be hard for the small, speedy Snappers, but could be possible for a bigger, slower fish like a goldfish or a lion fish(although a lion fish would be a more expensive proposition).
I decided to try this tomorrow because I 1) do need the money and 2) so far using the bulk method,I haven't hit 40,000 XP once and the new OS4 is not helping. I won't however, be quite as drastic as the 61 grunts versus 1 Snapper scenario my readers suggested. I will stock 50 tanks of Grunts and the rest will be Green Snappers. In case this method turns out to be a total burn out, I will at least not have totally wasted the day if I keep twelve tanks of Greenies on hand.
So,any predictions? Is this baby selling method a saviour or the worst idea I've had yet? We'll find out tomorrow!


Day Twenty:Thoughts and Reflections

You may notice that I did not include a picture with today's blog. Personally this is no big loss because in my quest for speed, I undoubtedly have made some of the ugliest Tap Fish tanks ever. However, I have two main reasons for leaving one out today.
First, I don't have too much to report. As I predicted I didn't go up a level today, moving only 27,000 XP today. I went up another 3 million coins to ten million, meaning I have to still get up about 4 million before level 65 to get all my eels. No excuses with work today, but such numbers don't warrant a picture.
Second, to reach 40,000 XP a day I need to stream line my production. 40,000 is a lot of tapping, perhaps almost two hours a day to complete. Sacrifices have to be made. I decided to do no more breeding, since the best I can breed does not help my quest so much anymore and breeding takes time. Tapping for love, welcome, and feeding are out because the amounts of XP these practices generate doesn't justify the time it takes to do them.

What will I be doing then?

Tomorrow I will try to run 61 tanks of all Greenies, but probably sell only 4 times. This would put me close to 40,000 and allow me to have a life.

On Friday when I have more time I will run 55 tanks of Greenies to sell five times and 6 tanks of Grunts to make up some coins. After testing these two methods I will select the one that is best for me.

Unfortunately,a certain disaster struck today. I upgraded to OS4 on my phone, and tap fish is very slow on it. It takes a lot of extra time to sell and restock. I was selling/restocking a tank in 17 seconds, but now it is more like 30. This is a huge blow, because I need to sell over 250 a day to maintain my goals. Can I do it? Come and check the next blog.


Day Nineteen Thoughts and Reflections

The screen shot to my left is not just me reaching level 61, but my second to last act of the day. In other words, with my busy work day, I just barely scraped together the dough to reach 61. With another 39, 849 points to reach 62, and other hard work day in front of me, tomorrow will be the first day on my quest where I do not go up at least one level.
There is a bright side, of course! I increased my coins by 3.5 million in one day, and with 25 tanks of Grunts ready for tomorrow. I should have the 11.25 million necessary to buy three tanks of Electric eels while still 4 levels away from 65. In other words, I'm ahead of the schedule Coach Joonie set out to reach 600 million the same time I hit 80 Levels.
Now all there is to do is somehow break the 40,000 barrier mark so I can get to level 80 in the shortest possible time. Tomorrow is my busiest day, so I am aiming for points again with 25 tanks of grunts versus 36 tanks of Greenies/ Yellowies? Goldfish combos for a projected total of 25,000 XPs. I will have to make this up the following days. so I am planning 5 tanks of Grunts and 56 tanks of Greenies everyday after that to make up the loss. I better rest my tapping arm tomorrow, because I'll need a healthy one if I am to get through the weekend. Level 65 by next monday or else!
Good luck and good tapping to you all out there. Have a nice weekend.


Day 18: Level 60 the Silver Age

Today is a symbolic day in that I entered the 60's. It is symbolic in that this is it's two-thirds of the level journey and about one third of the entire journey. Given 40,000 points a level through the 60's and 80,000 points a level trough the 70's, if I can somehow manage 40,000 points a day, it will take me another month (48 day in total) to complete the quest. No more sprinting through 3 or 4 levels a day. It is now a marathon just to get through even one level a day. It will take at least two a day to get through the seventies.
This is assuming, however, that I can maintain a 40,000 point average. My best day so far has been 39,800 experience points. I thought I could beat it today but I was so physically and mentally exhausted at the six o'clock feeding that I filled up on gold fish and took the night off. I was totally beaten up. The Tap Fish Apollo Creed was hammering away at me and I couldn't go the distance. 35,000 xp was the best I could do. I need a breather, but there is no one around to tap my fish for me.
Anyway, my busy work days, Tuesday and Wednesday, are upon me, so I'm changing my strategy. Tanks 1 to 17 are Grunts. tanks 18 to 23 are Dwarves (couldn't afford any more Grunts) and 24 to 60 are Goldfish that were put in the tank at seven at night. I'll sell the goldfish in the morning, restock half the tanks with more goldfish to be sold after school and the other half with Greenies to be sold every four hours. If I am in good condition I should be able to sell and restock those 23 tanks in less than 10 minutes.
This will mean a big reduction in points, but with the 11,000 point head start I have, I only need 29,000 to hit 61. On the other hand, I'll be rich! The fears that some readers had about not being able to earn enough to get the 600 million needed for the sharks were put to waste when the Grunts appear. Think of it this way, I need 11 million to buy 3 tanks of electric eels when I first reach level 65 in order to generate enough cash when I reach level 80 to buy all the great whites. One tanks of Grunts produces almost enough money to buy two eels, and tomorrow I will raise 17 tanks, giving me enough money to by 30 eels in one day. With 5 days to go to 65, that's more than enough for 3 tanks. God bless those ugly little White Grunts.
Off to bed now. Hopefully by Thursday I will recoup enough mentally and physically to aim for that 40,000 point average. All in all, I would like to finish the quest in 50 days. That's a nice number. Like the ice hockey tradition: 50 goals in 50 games!


Day Seventeen: The Day Tap Fish Invaded my Dreams

With my first official Tap Fish nightmare, I have officially became a slave to the game. I had a late Saturday night but still wanted to get up at about 5 so I could have two restocking sessions before company came at 10;30. While asleep, however, I dreamed that I broke my Iphone in two from tapping so hard. Incredibly enough, it kept on working! So in my dream I just kept on selling green snappers hoping that the broken phone wouldn't electrify me. Unfortunately when I woke up it was 6:30, not 5:00 and that I hadn't really sold any snappers in my sleep! This also meant that my second round was to occur right when company arrived at 10:30. What happened was is talked to my friends while secretly selling tanks under the table. This was a slow process which I didn't really finish until noon. As a result I only got 4 rounds in and finish about 4000 XP away from Level 59. I have a few tanks that may be ready at midnight tonight, but they will have to be put into the next day's total.
This slight setback made me change my strategy a bit. Figuring I couldn't tap as much I filled three more tanks with Grunts at 6;30 in the morning for a total of 9 coin tanks, with the other 49 being Green Snappers. This gave me a good healthy boost with a total of over 3 million coins.
Tomorrow is Monday, which is my easiest work day. I expect to be blazing with the Greenies. I'm planning 53 tanks of them over 5 rounds for a total of well over 40,000 points. Tuesday and Wednesday will be busy work tanks so I will try to squeeze every grunt I can into my tanks while probably sell about 40 tanks 4 times. The pace will go down but hopefully the coins will go up. Anyway, I expect to be on level 65 as planned with my 11 million needed for electric eels by the end of the week. From there I will get my first three tanks of electrics and then follow the plan Joonie laid out for me a couple of days ago.
On other topics, some people have wondered how my life has changed since I took on this challenge. Well, I have lost 3 pounds, have not watched a minute of TV, not Stanley Cup, no World Cup, not even a Dixie Cup. If I have freetime it is used to the game. Other off time is used doing either work or family time. The tapping has worn me down (i had a terrible migraine most of the day to day), but with only a month or so left in the quest, I'm still determined to see it through.
Right now Tap Fish is a family member, a big part of my life. I just wonder what I will do when this part of my life is over. Oh well, I guess I could then break down and buy some of the fishbucks that I haven't used in over 2 weeks. Too bad the world cup fish will probably be gone.
Take care everyone, and have a good night!

Day 16: Thoughts and Reflections

Day 16 was a typical day, slightly disappointing that I didn't make 40,000 XP (Fell 750 short). You need to run 53 to ensure you get it but I was running only 51. 51 tanks, however, is almost more than enough, and I was tired a lot of the day making my pace slow down to about 20 min to sell and restock each round.
Made a half-million coins which is a good healthy jump, ad moved up two levels to 57 now. I think I can make level 59, but 51 tanks was just too much for me today physically. Tomorrow I will stop at 50 Snapper tanks and fill the rest with the Grunts. Sorry for the shortness of this blog, but the missus is calling me to clean. Apparently we have company all day tomorrow (real life again intruding on Tap Fish life).
Well take care everyone. May the tap fish gods smile on you.


Day 15: After Two Weeks this Grunt Appears

Today was a pretty standard day. Bought and sold five times, up two levels, and earned about 39,000 experience points, another new record. Tomorrow could be the day I first average 40,000.
Along with this much of the talk on my blog and Facebook is whether I am doing enough to get the 600 mil. for the Great Whites. I am not worried because of the math geniuses of Joonie and Tracie to whom I shall credit as coaches if I even do complete this mission. If you check my blog comments, Joonie has a plan to get me to level 80 with the 600 mil to buy the sharks. All I have to do now is ensure that I have the 11 million to buy the three tanks of eels on the day I hit level 65, about a week or so away. She's worked so hard on it that, gosh darn it to heck, I'll give it a try.
However a new player has appeared that has made life interesting. Tap Fish has introduced a new fish in the super exotic category to day: the White Grunt.
The White Grunt is almost as ugly as a Dwarf, (I haven't seen one swimming around my toilet, at least) and like the Dwarf the numbers are awesome. I project a fully happy one to sell at 7,056 coins or 2856 profit. This from a fish that takes only a day to raise! Over six days that's about 17,000 profit, which would blow away a Barracuda in both coins and points.
With this news I sold off my mature Swords and Dwarves and replaced them with Grunts. Tomorrow then, I will run about two tanks of Swords (I have to wait for them to mature in two days, this is the chief drawback of a High Level), and about 4 tanks of Grunts for 6 money-making tanks. The remaining 49 tanks are Yellow?Greenie combo, which I hope to sell off five times tomorrow. I should be on level 57 by the day's end.
On another topic, some have been wondering how I handle this tapping with the job and all. Basically,I have five fifteen minute tapping sessions throughout the day. Tomorrow I will start at 4:30 in the morning, go back to bed, then tap again at about 8:30 just before work starts. My next tapping will be a bit later, at about one followed by one at six when work is done and I'm prepping to go home. I will spend some family time (which means playing Barbies with my daughter) until she nods off at nine. At 10:30 I will do my last round, which takes longer because I also clean tanks then, and sell the coin tanks. Reload and write this blog for the next day, and I should be in bed by twelve or so. Waking up at four one time to tap is maybe not best for my health, but I need to get in two rounds before work to ensure I get five in the whole day.
This routine will be used for everyday except Tuesday and Wednesday, when I harder work schedule means I probably can only do four rounds. I'm not sure what the best strategy is on those days. Any ideas?
Take care and good luck tapping, everyone!


Two Weeks of Tap Fishing

How much fish could a fish tap tap if I fish tap could tap fish?
Is the above remark confusing? Well it is a window into my state of mind right now. While I'm only playing the game two hours out of the day, I'm still thinking about it a lot. (World Cup? Does it have anything to to with Tap Fish? BP oil spill? How is it affecting the fish in Tap Fish?)
Anyway, I had my best XP day so far at 36,5553 points and my coin still went up by about 300,000 so I am not complaining. For those who are interested, by the way, there is a good debate going on the Tap Fish discussion board and my own comments board about my best course of action to completing the project. It seems to be split into a High Levels vs Golden Dwarves fight. A lot of math is going around encouraging me to cut the Dwarves, increase High levels and Greenies. I understand the math, but it seems to be forgetting that real life gets in the way. Today, I ran about 47 tanks which I sold/restocked 5 times to reach 36,500 points. However that was a lot of hard work that took up 90 minutes of my day. Can I increase the number of Greenie tanks and live. Having a job, there will also be day when I just can't sell 5 times over. On those days, does it not make sense to scale the Greenies back to about 30 tanks and stock the rest with Dwarves in order to increase my coins. Remember than Dwarves more than double in value. What other fish does that? (okay, the goldfish does too.)
Besides their high revenue, I guess I just like the Dwarves' cheapness and flexibility. A Dwarf cost 280, a barracuda 23,000. I can run 50 tanks of Dwarves if I want, but I can hold three full tanks of Barracuda. Also Dwarves are sold in a day, giving me the flexibility to change strategies as real life dictates. A Barracuda, on the other hand, ties up a lot of capital that can't be used for 6 long days. Given the reality of the working world I live in, I can't ignore the usefulness of the Dwarf.
Having said that, I will run only two tanks of Dwarves tomorrow, as well as three tanks of Swords, and 48 tanks of Greenies. Can I sell them 5 times over? Wish me luck!


Day Thirteen: Love and Support from Tap Fish

Hello everyone! Today was another hard work day so I focused again on coins over points. Still I did better than the day before going up 23,000 points and 450,000 coins.
I got a great treat today with Tap Fish encouraging me on and being told that I have showed enough evidence that my quest is legitimate and that they will recognize me as the world record holder if I manage to complete it. I got lots of love from my fellow Fish Tappers, but also some boos from some people who feel a great need to tell me I'm an addicted loser and that I am wasting my time (See Dan M on yesterdays comments.) Apparently we can forgive people for wasting time watching TV or getting drunk at the bar for a few hours, but heaven forbid someone waste 2 or so hours a day playing Tap Fish.
By the way, that's all I really need to play to continue my quest. It is not a 24 hour affair, especially since there is not really much to do when you are waiting for your fish to grow. During the day I am selling\restocking about 40 tanks a maximum 5 times a day. I should put a stopwatch to myself sometime, but I estimate it takes me about 15 minutes to sell/restock those 40 odd tanks. These are very intense 15 minutes however. It is not like I'm drinking a cup of coffee or talking on the phone while I'm doing it. I'm sprinting through it! You want to keep the time of restocking to a minimun because if you don't your tanks get unsynced and you do end up waisting too much time taking care of them all. You must be thinking about and doing nothing but tapping during that 15 min. No cleaning, loving, feeding or anything else. That can all be done later or not at all. The space between the first tank and the last tank must be as small as possible in order to have a life away from Tap Fish.
However, who really wants a life away from Tap Fish? Let's get down to business, shall we? Let's talk strategy, and by that I mean lets talk fish math.
My friend Joonie is worried about my lack of high level fish. She feels that I'm sacrificing too many coins and am thinking all about the XP points. To a point her argument is valid, and to that extent I have made my first two tanks into Sword Fish tanks, the only High Level fish I consider worthwhile at this point at the game. However, a flaw in her thinking is that she thinks I should try to reach Level 80 and have the 600 mil for the Great Whites at the same time. I don't think I agree with this however. Wouldn't it be easier to get coins if I had more tanks running and operating? To that extent I believe it is important to get to level 80 as soon as I can, even if when reaching it I am not rich enough to by all 4000 Great Whites at that very moment.
That does not mean I will run 60 or 70 tanks of Green Snappers. That would be too much tapping to handle. I think for a present goal for me would be to try to put up over 35,000 points on a normal speed day, and about 25,000 on a busy day. The two busy days would be my coin days, where I hope to put up big coin numbers. Today, for instance, I ran one tank of Swords, 19 of Dwarfs, and 31 of Greenies for a 23,000 point profit and 450,000 coins.
This brings me to the math. To average 35,000 points, how many snapper tanks would I need? Well with a 150 point profit from each tank, I have to move 233 tanks. If I can sell and restock 5 times, I need 46 tanks of snappers. What about the remaining tanks? Well, as Joonie suggested, it would be best to keep them stocked with high level fish. As my tanks increase, so will my high level ones. This is my plan and goal for tomorrow. I will run 46 tanks of Greenies, two tanks of Swords, and three of Dwarfs. I'll try this technique for the next 4 days an see how far I get. Wish me luck!


Day 12: Two milestones 1million coins and level 50

Today was a hectic day at work, so I had a toned-down attack that focused on coins rather than points. Nevertheless, I still managed to move up to levels and add 19,000 points. This means that even over level 50 I should be able to move at least a level a day and possibly two levels if I put in an all-out point attack aiming for 40,000 points a day. I think I will try this from Thursday, but tomorrow being still a hectic day I will go with 20 tanks of Dwarfs and 30 tanks of Yellow snappers. I will try to sell the Snapper tanks 4 times a day, and if I can sell the Dwarf Tanks after 19 hours (when they still give a profit of 450 points a dwarf) and put in one last round of Green Snappers to finish the day. Doing this, if I have any luck I could get to level 52, but we will have to wait and see. After that I will try to use the weekend effectively to get to level 60 on Monday.
My other milestone was breaking the 1,000,000 coin next worth level with a 300,000 coin day today. That is still only 1/600th of what I need for all the Great whites, but hopefully I can make up a lot of ground when I get the eels on level 65. Well, it is almost midnight here and I have to get up at about 5 to sell Yellow Snappers, so I'll let you all go tonight.
By the way, it is my birthday today. Another year lost to oblivion.


Day Eleven: Almost too tired to blog

Had a huge tapping day today, going up 3.5 Levels and adding over 30,000 experience points. I feel my left arm is about to fall off and I can't stand looking at my IPhone anymore. All in all, a productive day.
Tomorrow, however, is the first day of my new strategy. Like I said previously, real life gets in the way on Tuesday and Wednesday so selling 42+ tanks five times over for huge experience numbers will not be an option. If I can sell half that number three times over, I would be lucky.
This means that Tuesday will become my first point getting day! Right now in my 48 tanks, the first one is swordfish, 2 to 20 are Golden Dwarfs, and the remaining 28 are yellow snappers, my night fish. In the morning at about 5 or 6 I will sell the snappers and then but goldfish in 18 of them and Green Snappers in 10 of them. I will try to sneak away to sell my green snappers five times a day during mini breaks. The goldfish should mature when work fishes, giving me a chance to reload with green snappers before bedtime. I will then sell the 20 tanks of Dwarfs just before bedtime. This will give me way less points, but I should get to level 50. My coin profit,however, could increase by 250,000 the single most biggest day increase I've had so far. Then from Thursday on I will return to huge amounts of Greenies accompanied by huge amounts of stress. Sorry for the short blog today but I am really beat. You would be too if you had the tappin day I had.
Good night all, and keep up with the comments!


Day Ten: Results and Reflections

Having such a confusing and tiring Day Nine, I decided to play it a little conservative on day Ten. I loaded 8 tanks instead of the usual 4 with Golden Dwarf so I would have less tanks to worry about throughout the day. I also knew that prior commitments would keep me off my iPhone until about noon, so I loaded my first batch of fish with all Yellow Snappers. As a result I could only go through 4 selling sessions instead of the usual 5. I tapped for extra points like crazy throughout the day, but ended up with a 24,000 point gain, or about 3,000 points less than the previous day. Monday looks to be a smooth sailing day, however, so I lowered my Golden Dwarf/High Level tanks down to 6 and thus will be running 39 point tanks tomorrow. I therefore predict at least a three level jump, with an outside chance at a four level jump. Level 49 anyone?
Today I wrote to Bayview Labs to see if they would recognize my record, if I do set it. I wish nothing but the best for them so I hope I get a favorable reply.
In other news, I have lost 3 pounds since I started this quest. I guess I can't snack and tap at the same time. Or else tapping is better exercise that it appears to me. Have a struck upon a great new way to diet?
Take care, everyone, and keep those comments coming!


Day Nine: Results and Reflections

Today was a mixed up day and so I ended up doing a lot more tapping than expected. It all started when I woke up at 4 in the morning and decided to do some selling, only to find out that my Yellow Snappers were ready but my Goldfish weren't. The I fell asleep at the table while tapping (yes, while tapping) and had to continue selling my Yellow Snappers at 5 when I got up again. The result was that I had fish maturing at all hours of the day instead of at just certain times. Given my tiredness and friends coming and going I am surprised I jumped three levels to 43. As you can see I barely made it. To do it I had to do something I something I rarely do these days, namely feed my fish!
Speaking of fish (what else is there to speak of) you may be wondering what breeds I have been using to on my quest. Surprisingly very few are needed. Here's the list
Green Snappers: My most common. My main-point getter.
Yellow Snappers: One of my night fishes so I don't need to get up every 4 hours at night.
Goldfish: A better night fish because it makes much more than a Yellow Snapper.
One Butterfly: A sex-slave. Spends 99% of the time in inventory. Comes out for 5 min a day to breed.
One Leafy Sea Dragon: My other sex-slave. Breeds with Butterfly to make Dragon Butterfly, which at 900 coins is the best I can do without using Fish Bucks.
Cardinal: Used just one day as a stop-gap money-maker until I leveled up to Chromis.
Chromis: Also used only one day as a stop-gap money-maker until level 18 and Golden Dwarf.
Golden Dwarf: Really is golden. This inexpensive fish is the only one that doubles your money when you sell with 90% happiness (maybe Chromis does too.) My prime money fish, it also gives me points once a day.
Sword Fish and Barracuda: Possibly a mistake to buy. They produce thousands when they sell, but also cost so much money to begin with that I could only by a few (14 Swords, 2 Barracudas). It would have made more sense to use that money on Golden Dwarfs instead. Swords are not bad in the fact they grow fast for a High Level Fish (4 days).
I also bred two Butterfly Snappers when my level was too low to buy a Leafy Sea Dragon.
There you go. A total of 10 fish and two breeds. As the game goes on I plan to add only Electric eels and then Great Whites. That would make a total of 12 types of fish. If I had not given into temptation and bought the Barracudas and Sword Fish, I would have used only ten. The Remaining 90% of the fish, while pretty and all, are not suitable for the quest I am taking.
what do you think? Is there a another fish I should use? Give me your ideas!
Good night, all.


Day 8: Reflections about hitting the half way point

Seven days, 22 hours. That's how long it took me to go from levels 1-40. Considering it took me over two months when I was playing casually, I'm quite amazed at what my left tapping arm has done. However the tanks and levels are only half the story. My goal was not only to be the fastest to level 80 but to have all 80 tanks then full with fifty great whites. This means I need a net worth of 600 million. However what am I worth now?
Let's see........
I have 86000 coins on hand. I own 2 barracudas, 7 Swordfish, 3.5 tanks of Golden Dwarfs, 22 tanks of goldfish and 14 tanks of Yellow Snappers. Adding all this up at the buying price of each fish, I am presently worth approximately.....(drum roll)......
288,800 coins.
This means I am about 1/1800 to my coin goal. If I were on level 80 today, I might be able to buy two Great Whites.
Luckily, however, coins are not under the same restrictions points and levels are, so this is definitely an area that can increase exponentially. The trick is to know when to switch from a point-getting game to a coin-getting game. To this end I will try from now on change my strategy a little. Instead of worrying about how many money-getting tanks I have compared to point getting ones, I will let my job, lifestyle and day of the week decide. At my work I am incredibly busy on Tuesday and Thursday with little time to play tap fish. On these day I will switch all my tanks as best as I am able to Golden Dwarfs. On the others when I have more time I will keep on with the Green snapper/Yellow snapper/Goldfish combo and go for the points and try to move up two or three levels on these day. I will continue like this until the tantalizing electric eels open up on level 65. From there I will try a Golden Dwarf/High level fish combo of mostly eels until I reach level 80. By that time I should have enough coin to buy the 4000 Great Whites I need to.
What do you think of this strategy? Give me a holler.
Take care everyone, and thanks for reading!


End of First Week: Results and Reflections

Well a week has passed since I began my quest for the Tap Fish World Record and as you can see by the top line of the picture. I just barely made it to Tank 35. It took a Herculean effort; I sold 27+ tanks of Green Snappers five times over and three tanks of Golden Dwarfs for a grand total of 138 tanks sold. You can also see by the picture that my fish are hungry. Unfortunately, they are going to stay that way. The extra time it takes to clean a tank and feed the fish is not worth the lousy 1 coin and 1 experience point they make.
Do the math. If you spend even one minute to feed, sell, and restock one tank, that is over two and a half hours of work! As a result I cut out the feeding and clean only at night so I restock a tank in less that 30 seconds. It is very cruel to the fish that they never eat, and as a result they average about 40% happiness when they are sold. I do take proper care of my moneymaking Golden Dwarfs however.
Physically, it is starting to take its toll. My left arm is hurting me (I'm a lefty) and I feel tired from getting up at five thirty in the morning to begin my tap fish day. Does this mean that I will give up my quest after a week? Hell no! I'm in it till the bitter end (or at least until I smash my finger through the Iphone glass!). Predictions for tomorrow will be again to go up five levels to 40 or the halfway point. Then the real fun will begin.
I would like to thank all of you who have given me encouragement and have read my blog. I can't tell you how encouraging that actually is. Take care all of you. May your dreams be sweet.


Day 6 Results and Reflections

Another day, another 6 Levels! However the amount points required for the next level have doubled to 5000, meaning since I made about 15000 points today, I can only hope to go up three levels tomorrow. However, I have a good feeling and am predicting a 4 level jump to level 34.
Getting to level 30 means Swordfish was opened. I ended up buying about 10 of them but I am starting regret it. They pay great, but it takes too much money at this stage of the game to buy them in the first place!
This brings me to a point that I would love to comment on. When do you think it is the right time to switch from point makers to money makers? I want to get to 80 tanks as quickly as I can, but it would be nice to at the same time have the money to buy the Great Whites when I get there.Right now only three of my thirty tanks are money makers. 27 others are growing strictly Green Snappers in the day and Goldfish at night. Any suggestions? Please let me know.


Day 5 of Challenge: Results and Reflections

Day 5 was successful in so much that I reached level 24 from 18 and made almost 13000 experience points. It was a hard workday so I ended up switching to Yellow Snappers after my morning coffee break because I knew I would have no time to sell green snappers in four hours. I ended up being quite cruel to the fish. I bought and sold them often without feeding them (39% happiness? no prob.)
Tomorrow is even busier so I might convert a few more tanks to money makers to offset the lost time. I plan to sell my fish at 5 in the morning, sell another batch of Green Snappers at 9:30 or so, and then fill them up with goldfish until after work. This could then allow me one more set of Green Snappers before bed. As a result I don't expect to jump in the levels too much. Prediction? Level 28 Should do better on Thursday and Friday.

Day Four Results and Reflections.

Sorry for the lateness of the this blog, but all the tapping at home and at work has worn me out. Luckily Monday was a slow day, but tomorrow will be hectic. Can I maintain my pace?
As predicted I got up to level 18 and unleashed the Golden Dwarf, undoubtedly the most helpful (although quite possibly also the most ugliest) fish in tapfish. This fish by itself makes 238 fish coins in profit and with happiness over 90, it jumps to 341 profit, more than the cost of the fish. All this for a fish that grows in a mere one day!
I didn't quite have enough cash to fill the whole tank with them, however, so as you can see here I finished the tank off with one Chromis, one Cardinal, a Goldfish, and my newly bred Butterfly Snapper, which will give me 510 free fish coins after it grows in a day. My strategy for tomorrow will be to slowly introduce the money making fish (Dwarfs) while maintaining mostly Point making fish (Green Snappers/ Goldfish) in the majority of my tanks. I think I will have 2 money making tanks as opposed to 16 point getters.
Today I also took in another sex slave, a Leafy Sea Dragon, which I will keep in the inventory with his breeding partner, the Butterfly, which bred together will produce a Dragon Butterfly. At 900 fish coins, the Dragon Butterfly is the most valuable fish I can breed in this game without the use of fish bucks.
As for thoughts about the entire quest so far, I have to say this game has taken more of a toll on me physically that I planned. Tapping like crazy, plotting how to co-ordinate you tap fish efforts to fit into your coffee breaks at work, is a challenging task.
Predictions for tomorrow? Well, my tanks are increasing so I should move through the levels quickly. However with a busy work schedule tomorrow I won't be able to devote much time to the game. Prediction? Level 23! Wish me luck!


Third Day of the Quest: Results and Reflections

Starting my quest on a Friday was a good idea. The first day is not so busy so it can be done well at work, but the second and third day with me scouring my tanks for points and coins definitely required the weekend freedom. I cared for my fish well over the weekend, but now with work coming I will have to be more MacDonald's-style assembly-line about. I may end up selling some Green Snappers without feeding them even once!

Today I saw great progress made. I now have 12714 points in 13 tanks on level 13, an increase of over 8000 points and a four-level jump. I could have pushed even more if Tap Fish would allow a person to own more fish tanks than his experience level. This rule unnecessarily slows the game down.
This brings me to a strategy dilemma. Since I can't own more tanks than my experience level, it seems to make more sense to still to my Green Snappers-Day/ Gold Fish at night strategy in order to get to level 80 as quickly as I can. However, there is no point in getting to level 80 if I have no fish coins to buy the Great Whites. To this end I decided to make a compromise. I will devote only two tanks to money making fish. Right now those fish for me are Cardinals and Chromis. All the others will stick to the Green Snapper/Gold Fish strategy until level 80 is reached. I will also start investing heavily in starfish and cheapo plants to boost my money makers over 90 percent happiness. This will not be pretty; only those with strong stomachs should ever look at my tanks.
Anyway, I should be on level 14 when my goldfish mature tomorrow morning. A goal for tomorrow will be to reach level 18, and unlock the incredibly profitable pieces of poop known otherwise as Golden Dwarfs. Any soul out there with any good advice please feel free to write me a comment. Good Night everyone!


A Busy Second Day

Being Saturday I charged into my quest, logging on every hour to squeeze every point I could out of the game. As a result I finished at over 4000 points and went up two levels to nine. More importantly I earned enough to add 4 tanks to my arsenal.
I stuck strictly to my game plan of growing only Green Snappers during the day and as you can see I'm retiring tonight with six tanks of Goldfish with one Butterfly sex slave stuck in inventory. I'm not a total meanie, however. I took my Butterfly out and fed him today, but he's a breeding fish, not a money or point fish so it is off in inventory for him most of the time. Later on when my level gets high enough I will add a Leafy Sea Dragon for him to make that 900 coin breed fish, Dragon Butterfly.
At least my Butterfly is lucky enough to be chosen for my quest. Ninety percent of the fish in the game are of no use. Take my reward for reaching level nine, the Banded Butterfly. A pretty fish to be sure but it produces a measly ten fish coins after a day. A higher priced/longer raising period fish is only of use to me if brings in more money than the profit of four Green Snappers and one Goldfish, about 30 coins a day. None of the exotic fish or starters fit this, so I will stick with the Green Snappers/Goldfish until the Super exotics open up from level 11. Then I will have the Cardinal, Chromis, Golden Dwarf, and eventually Barracuda to play with. Some of the High Level fish that grow fairly quickly (sword fish, electric eel) may get incorporated, but they are still a way off yet.
However, I am getting ahead of myself. What are my goals for tomorrow? I hope to double my tanks to twelve and reach at least level 11, which at that point I will convert two tanks into money makers (as opposed to Green Snapper point getters) filled with Cardinals. Wish me luck!
By the way, I have to thank Any Fox of Tap Fish 101 for helping making this blog look somewhat more presentable. Go visit his page if you have time!


First day results and reflections: June 6th 10:28 pm

I don't know if I will blog everyday, but I better the first. Let me give you the numbers:

1. Went from zero points to 1189.
2. Went from level one to level seven.
3. Have 29 fish coins.
4. Have two tanks full of goldfish(still young).
5. Have one butterfly fish stranded in inventory (sorry about that!)
6. Bought 6 starfish, two Tiered Elestos plants, and one Pink Cardamine.

How did my day go? Well I spent every free moment scouring neighbor tanks, loving my fish just to get my first two starter tanks full. As a result I had one tank full of Green Snappers of all different ages, which got a bit confusing. At about four in the afternoon, I decided to splurge on a Butterfly for Breeding purposes. When you are not using fish bucks, your options are limited, but a Butterfly bred with a Green Snapper will give me over 500 coins after four days of breeding and raising. The downside is that a 120-coin Butterfly only produces a 35-coin profit after 3 days of raising. With this in mind I took my Butterfly out of my tank and stuck it in inventory. Even if it dies there, the 120 loss will be made up by the 500 profit of the bred fish. It may seem cruel to the poor fish, but hey, this is the world record we are talking about! Sacrifices must be made.
As the evening came I had some decisions to make. Up to then I had concentrated on growing the speedy Green Snappers. However with no intention of getting up at four in the morning to sell my fish, I thus elected to go with goldfish as my overnight fish. The are a little more expensive than a yellow snapper and take three hours longer to grow, but they produce far more profit. At seven when I wake up, they should have produced enough profit to make one or even two tanks! It's 16 coin profit a fish when I replace them with the 10 coin Green Snappers in the morning, not counting any bonus I may get.
With the 700 odd coins I had left over, I decided to buy some plants and decorations to boost my fish happiness to over 80 when I love them. Given that this is a profit, speed driven game I am playing, I plan to move my decorations from tank to tank come selling time, but otherwise just keep them all in the inventory. Sadly, my fish will only be truly happy just moments before they are sold! It is a little of a pain to be moving all those ugly starfish, but it is all I can afford right now.
My first goal will be to get to fifty tanks as soon as possible. I will then make the first ten coin makers filled with high grossing fish like barracudas, swordfish, and those floating turds (Golden Dwarfs) that somehow manage to make almost 300 coin profit for a days work. ( I can't help but wonder if Golden Dwarfs are a joke fish. I looked on Wikipedia and found no reference for them, but their floating shit-like shape is unmistakeable. ) The last 40 will be filled with the point-getting Green Snappers to be sold every 4 hours (or maybe even every three hours at a one-coin profit!) to get me to level 80 ASAP!

Well, it's best I get off to bed now. I have a lot of Tap-fishing tomorrow!
I posted pictures of my progress so far. Please remember, though, that this game is strictly speed so these tanks are not pretty!
Before I leave, I would like to high recommend Andy Fox's blog,, for all those interested in Tap Fish. He really seems to know his stuff, which is more than I can say for myself. I've only met the man on FaceBook a few hours ago, but he loves Heavy Metal, HitchHiker's Guide, and like me lives in Japan. You can't get anymore perfect than that!
I'd like to give you a proper link to his site, but since I am such an idiot when it comes to computers, this recommendation will have to do for now!
Everyone out there take care!

Tap fish World Record Challenge

Dear everyone,
I started this challenge in quest of my fifteen minutes of fame that has eluded me over the last thirty odd years. I needed to do something great, I figured, and what could be greater than setting a world record in tap fish? Up to now I had played the game up to level 43 without any particular goal in mind besides making some beautiful looking tanks. However as I grew tired of feeding the same tanks over and over again I felt a quest is needed.
I downloaded tap fish 5 and began the game on YouTube to show my official start date and time to be 11:45pm June 3rd. The video showed me with one tank and one green snapper. My quest will be to be the fastest human to get eighty tanks with fifty great whites in it.
During this quest, I've set the following rules for myself.

1. I will use no hacks or fish bucks of any kinds. Just good old-fashioned fish coins.
2. I will be taking a break form my main game, limiting the twenty tanks I am playing to just 3 tanks. This will take a few more days to complete as I have 6 tanks of barracudas waiting to mature.

I will try to maintiain this blog every other day or so to report my progress and relay my strategy. Please come and read again. Advice is also always welcome.

Thus begins my quest for Tap fish immortality!