Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


FAQ's Part I

During my quest I got a lot of interesting emails and posts. The vast majority of them have been very positive. There were a few funny unusual ones as well. Two evangelicals offered to save my soul, an animal rights activist suggested I start a blog about feeding birds in the park, and one lovely young girl proposed to me.

Oh yes, about 6 people wrote emails to me claiming to have already beaten my record. Unfortunately Tapfish has never heard of them and they offered no proof, so I guess my record is still standing.

Now today I would like to answer some of the questions posted to me on many forums. Hopefully my answers satisfy.

Do you have a job?
Yes, I have a full-time job, but I know better than to write about it on a public forum like this. And no, I do not work for TapFish.
Are you now going to do the same thing on Tap Birds?
No. I need a rest. A long rest before attempting something like this. I'll probably take a look at the app, however.

What are you going to do now?
Take a break, that's what. I think I should have a week or so break from Tap Fish. I didn't spend every hour of everyday doing it, but I did miss out on say watching TV, net surfing, phoning my mother, and many other of the little pleasures in life. Haven't been to a movie in months. Is Iron Man II still playing?
Right now I have restored my original game and bought 650 fishbucks. Plan to go on a spending spree. I am also still feeding all my 4000 great Whites I have in Tap fish 5.

Do you have any tips?

For the people you asked this, I assuming that you like the math side of the game and want to level up quickly. I have little to none artistic talent so I'm not the one to ask about making beautiful tanks and what not. For those who want to go as quickly as possible. I have lots of advice!
First plan your week. My job was very busy on Tues to Thursday so I made those coin-focused days. The rest of the days were Green Snapper XP days. There is no point in putting in Greenies if you know you can't sell every 4 hours. Goldfish or Yellows would be better in this case.
Second, plan your day. determine exactly when and where you will restock to make your day go smoothly. For me, I generally sold at 5:30, 10 am coffee break, 2:30 pm coffee break, right after work at 6:30, and then at late night at10:30pm. I would then right this blog from 11:30pm to midnight. This way I could get in 5 rounds of Greenie selling. If I knew my day was busy it was sell at 4 am, then 8 am, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm and then 10:30. Getting up at 4 however takes its it toll however.
Third, concentrate when you tap. Tapping with purpose for 15 minutes is much better than tapping casually for one hour. The longer you spend tapping, the more spaced out your tanks will become. You don't want to find yourself in the afternoon with a tank maturing every 15 minutes! This is too stressful. If you concentrate on your tapping, though, you should be able to sell 40+ tanks in 15 minutes or so.
Fourth, organize your tanks. Don't be jumping all over the place! Have your coin tanks at the start and your Xp tanks near the end. If you are on tank 20, tank 21 should be the next one you sell. Organized tanks leads to faster tapping.
Well this blog is long enough for now. I will deal with some of the other comments I got a little later. Happy tapping!


  1. wow, what a way to win a girl's heart. did u agree?

  2. I'm sure there will be a number of attempts to break your record, but I bet there are very few who have your concentration and determination to follow through to the end (and your right, if not documented, certainly not in the running). It's been fun . . . will miss the daily blogs ... you did a great job!!! (aka Barbara Meidinger)

  3. @ JoonieM Tap Fish has suggested establishing a permament link to my blog. With that in mind, I might write for a while yet. Let's see what I can come up with.
    @JW yes, definitely didn't expect that.
