Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 38 Reflections

Day 38 was a productive day as I managed to Tap just over 40,000 XP or enough to clear level 73 to level 74 with about an hour to spare. I was so happy with myself that I gave myself the night off and stocked with Yellowies instead of the usual Greenies as a night fish. I was tempted to go with goldfish, but that would be using up too much time. Sleep can wait for when I finish that quest.
And when, exactly will I be finishing this quest? Some may look at the simple math. He's got 6 tanks left and he is taking two days to do a tank, that means he will finish in fifty days! That might be true if conditions were constant, but they never are.
Take Eels, for example, right now I've got 29 tanks of them that will give me a profit of 87 million every 4 days. However, with only 12 days left to fifty, I could only do this 3 more times giving me a net value of 360 million or well short of the 600 million I need. No I will have to raise my Eel tanks to about 52 next time and to about 75 the time after that. This will give me almost no tanks to sell XP Greenies.
Even if I accomplish all this, I will still fall about 4 million short of the 600 million I need when I reach Level 80. At this stage of the game 4 million does not seem like much but it is still a fair bit. Keeping this in mind, I decided at midday to convert 5 tanks to Grunts from Greenies. Hopefully if I keep raising this amount of Grunts over the next 8 days I will have enough coins to buy all my Great Whites at Level 80.
What about the XP's, then ? How can you move 40,000XPs a day if eight days from now you will only have one or two measly tanks to devote to XP? Well, this is where the dreaded baby selling comes in. As you can see in the tank above, if you load a tank with Lionfish and have a foodblock sitting on the left corner, the fish will go above the block and remain there motionless, making very easy to baby sell. Of course I am exploiting a programming blip, but I'll take any advantage I can get. Today I must have sold over fifty tanks using this, and my fingers and mind didn't become too tired. Will I be able to use this method to sell the 267 tanks a day needed to jump up the required 40,000 XP's ? We will have to see.
So can I do it? Can I finish my quest in fifty days? I wouldn't bet on me. There is bound to be something to come up that will either hold back my coins or XPs. I think 53 days would be a more reasonable goal. But who knows? There is still a lot of tapping to do!
Good night, everyone! May the fish gods bless all of you!

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