Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 42 Reflections

I'd like to start off with the brevity of yesterday's post. I was so exhausted after selling off all those Eels that I just didn't have the energy to write more. I progressed diligently over the day, selling what few Greenie tanks I have left five times over, but it is a long lonely road between levels 70 and 80.

Let's go on to other topics, shall we? Some beginners have written me to give more detail about how to progress at the beginning of the game. They asked me if I bought each fish egg individually and fed them individually. I did quite the opposite. Sure at the very beginning I tried to scrape together any XP or coin I could so I could fill my two tanks. However after that my game was all about selling all the fish in my tanks five times over in the day. I learned to sell/reload speedily. I could at the beginning before the OS4 upgrade sell a tank in 16 seconds. I sold four rounds of Green Snappers and one over night round of Goldfish to gain a few extra coins. I rarely bothered to feed my fish because the one coin and XP you get does not make up for all the extra time it takes to do this. This is just an estimate, but I would say that over 80% of the fish I have had in my tanks have never been fed even once. Tapping for Welcome and Love is useful early in the game but later on is just a waste of time. I is much more efficient to sell/reload tanks regardless of whether they are mature or not. Right now I can sell/restock a school of Lionfish in 1 minute 5 seconds on the OS4. A mature tank takes 30 seconds in OS4.

As my readers may remember, I was thinking of downgrading from the OS4 recently, but after reading a little more about it, this option does not seem to be feasible anymore. I'll just do my best with what Tap Fish and Apple has given me.

Right now all the eels I have are seriously cutting into how fast I can get XPs. I'm developing a strategy to counteract this, but I won't tell you until I actually try it out in a few days.

Take care all and happy tapping!


  1. can you do a bulk sell of the eels instead? but still get to the target level80 coins despite the 15% cut?

  2. tried the lionfish trick. love it!

  3. you are a CERTIFIED crazy human. i will write a comprehensive comment for you tonight. It might help you.

  4. Long and lonely may be the road but there are many of us enjoying the trip.
    The lionfish trick alone has been worth much. I find that I can zoom in and sell the lionfish while reading requirements documents. It takes more like two and a half minutes but I can do it all day long.
    I was thinking the same as liter above for selling eels in bulk. But it would be hard to throw away600k dollars in every tank.
    I disagree with what you say about love and touch. I get an extra 20% per eel by setting the tanks up with 90% happiness love and touch take that over the top.

  5. What's the lion fish trick?

  6. Check the post for day 32.
    There is a bug because of the shape of lionfish
    - put a food block in the bottom left corner of the tank
    - add tank full of exotic lionfish
    - they all move to the same spot atop the food block
    - immediateyl sell the fish by hand

    - you have just converted a few thousand gold into points

    Obviously you need lots of gold to start. But it fills in the time between greenie sales

  7. Dear tap fame seeker,

    This is a game. It is not serious. It is not real.
    If you make a record that you are (the best tap tap), this record has no value.

    If you think it has any value you are in deep illusion.

    If you become famous that you tap tap, it is a (negative fame).

    Think. You will understand it.

    Dr. Barnard, the first guy who did heart transplant has (positive fame). michael jakson the noise maker clown, has (negative fame). Hitler has (negative fame). Marie Curie has (positive fame). Do you understand the difference between positive and negative? Not all fame are good. Some are bad. What do they teach you in this upside down culture in this inside out education system. Shame on your teachers.

    Fame in tap tap is useless, valueless. Think. It is 180 degree other side of the scale.

    You have ambition for fame. Good.

    Guide it to a direction of positive value.

    Build a school in a poor African village.
    Help a few misguided teenagers on drugs, in your city to go straight.
    Feed 1000 hungry birds in the park

    Then make a blog for that. Then brag about it.
    In this case, those who still have some sense greet you.
    Fame in tap tap will make them smile.

    That is positive fame. (I can tap tap tap, is ridiculous).

  8. Google for more forums. You might want to start spreading your words there too mr fake
