Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 53 Thoughts and Reflections

I'm making another midday blog so I can rest up for my big push tomorrow. It is only 5 in the afternoon and I've already increased 36,000XP, so I should have a good chance of finishing my quest tomorrow. Ideally I would like to finish tomorrow afternoon so I can make a video to announce my completion. If all goes well I will finish in 53 1/2 days. However tomorrow night and 54 days is still a possibility.

Like I said yesterday, I was a little surprised that I fell short of 600 mill. Now, however, I am under 200,000 away with 400,000 of Grunts (3 tanks) to sell tomorrow morning. I haven't done any lion fish tapping, but I might put a bit in now seeing that I should clear my goal by about 200,000. It is still a little scary though. Perhaps I should wait tomorrow morning when the grunts are all sold, or keep the lion fish down to about 30 tanks of so. With over 75 tanks selling Greenies, I don't need the Lion babies as I did when I had to deal with all those eels. There is also the unknown factor of how many bonus coins I will get after hitting Level 80. If anyone out there knows let me know.

Thanks, by the way, for all the email messages on Facebook and elsewhere. I'd love to reply to them all, but first let me get this challenge out of the way.

By the way, if I do make it tomorrow, don't expect a long, poetic blog. It will probably be a very technical one in order to cement the validity of my claim. The day after, however, I promise to give a good account of my quest and probably blog a bit about it for a bit afterwards. There are many good questions that I would love to answer and will definitely use this blog to continue it. It will also go into some tips and strategies for Tap Fish. Please keep reading.

Just as a reminder, I will make three videos: just before I put in the Great Whites, while I put in the Great Whites, and the state afterwards putting in the Great Whites. I will post the first and the last on YouTube. The second one might be too big for YouTube, but I will keep it in case Tap Fish requires more proof of my quest. I will also post online a picture of all 80 tanks for you to see. (That might not be so interesting, however. What can I say? It is a necessary technicality.)If there is anything you the reader would like to see in regards to my finish or blog, please let me know.

Well, if I really want to finish by this time tomorrow afternoon, I guess I better get tapping! Still 63,000 XP to go! Come to daddy, you lovable Great White Sharks!

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