Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 44: Level 76 and a Decision

Today I accomplished my main goal of reaching level 76. This will give me one extra tank to play with when I restock Eels. It was only about 30,000 XP away, but it took a huge effort as I had only 20 Greenie tanks to work with. Half the the XP were acquired by selling the Lion fish babies. I estimate I sold a hundred tanks of them today.
Yesterday I commented that I after selling my Eels I would devote all my tanks to Greenies until I reached 79. However looking at my schedule for the week, I had second thoughts. I seem to be busy on Monday this week, so it would be a little pointless to be working all Greenies then. I have much more time on Tuesday, Wednesday, but what would I do about Monday?
As one commentator mentioned in my comments yesterday, perhaps abandoning Greenie tanks on Sunday and replacing them with Grunt tanks would be a way to make up for the coin shortage I am expecting. Indeed running an extra 20 tanks of Grunts tomorrow will make me an extra 2.8 million coins at a loss of only 15,000 XPs I got from the Greenies.
I decided to do him one better, however. I changed 16 tanks from Greenies to Grunts and the other four (tanks 72-75) I made Eels. That means these four tanks will mature a day earlier than my main tanks, easing my overall selling burden and giving more free tanks to work with as I near the end of my game. It will also give me a rest for most of the day tomorrow (except my baby tapping tank 76) as I prepare for a long Eel selling process tomorrow.
I won't, however, entirely be abandoning Greenies. My eel tanks tomorrow, while all maturing, will mature at different times. The first will be at four in the afternoon and the last at 11 or so at night. Given the lateness of this selling, I will not immediately restock with Eels. I will do one round of greenies overnight and restock the new Eels in the early morning. The reasoning here is that the one round of selling the eels followed quickly by a Greenie round will give me a good boost towards level 77. Also, if everything ends at night, I will be too tired to organize the video recording of when I put in all the great whites. Better to have them mature in the morning when I am a bit rested and organize the final push from there. These late nights like tonight take a lot out of me, so I would like to put it to morning if I can. I therefore decided to fill 71 tanks with Eels Monday morning to go with the four I filled tonight. Tomorrow's plan will be to focus on Lion Fish selling in the day, sell the eels at night, put in a round of Greenies, and then restock Eels Monday morning. Lets see where this takes me.
By the way, thank you for the emails and comments both here, and on Facebook, even the petty, negative ones. Especially the negative ones, they are quite funny! It is amazing how condescending and judgemental some people can be given the anonymous security of the Internet. I got a real funny one from some animal rights group. They basically said I was wasting my life and that I should write a blog about feeding a thousand birds instead. Hate to say it guys, but if went down to the local park here and started to feed all the winged rats (excuse me, pigeons) someone would report me to the police. It's not allowed in many parks in Japan. No feed the birds Mary Poppins, not when they have to clean up all their poop! If what I am doing so offends you, then don't read my blog. I can do without the advice about how I should live my life. Just to let you know, I'm not a hermit. I took my family out to dinner tonight, and played with my daughter until bedtime. If anything has changed, it is the time I usually spent on other leisure activities has been channelled into Tap Fish. I've watched no movies, TV shows, or surfed the net much in the past 44 days. That has been the biggest change. And the beauty of this quest is that in about a week, it will all be over and I will be on my next challenge in life.
All of you have a wonderful day. Enjoy tapping and living!

1 comment:

  1. Is there anything past level 80? Will you miss Tap Fish? Keep playing?

    I can't wait to see the outcome of this. I have been reading your blog everyday since I found it on the Tap Fish Facebook page. I'm going to miss this blog once it's complete. Good luck in the final stretch! I better go check on my fish!
