Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 48&49: Shark Attack

First, sorry for no blog yesterday. All I had with me on my business trip was a cheap netbook computer that wouldn't listen to me., so I thought to put two days together into one.
The netbook computer was not the only thing that went awry. As my title states, I was attacked by sharks! Luckily I survived and learned something from the incident. Yesterday I got back to the hotel at 4:30 and basically tapped baby Lionfish from then until two in the morning. In spite of that, I only managed to move up 25,000 XP in that time. The problem was that Tap Fish was painfully slow last night. I couldn't believe how slow it took things to move, so I emailed a friend about it. She told me that Tap Fish becomes painfully slow when the developers at Bayview are working on it. It also become very slow when something new is added and you haven't downloaded it properly into your game.
Sure enough I checked the Tap Fish store, and saw a new fish was added, the Whale Shark. I downloaded the icons on my phone, and presto! Full speed ahead. I had real good speed for about twenty minutes until it suddenly slowed down again. This time apparently, the developers were having trouble introducing a new back ground called Shark Tank. There was a space for it on the backgrounds page but no actual background was there. With nothing better to do, I tapped slowly until two in the morning and then went to bed.
I got up at 5 in the morning (that's right I'm writing this on 3 hours sleep!), and presto! it was fast again. I learned that if Tap Fish becomes slow you should exit the app and re-enter it once again for speed to return. Like clockwork, however, the game slowed down again after twenty minutes. I looked into the store, saw that the Shark Tank background was fixed, and downloaded all the icons on my phone. Presto! It was full speed ahead again.
The speed was good for most of the day today, when then it began to slow down again at about two in the afternoon. I looked around the store and saw another new background, Los Vegas, was added. Like before, I downloaded the icons and the speed came back again.
All in all, it was a frustrating two days, but I learned a lot about what makes Tap Fish speedy or not. If your game gets slow, first close the app and reboot it. This should restore the speed. Second, if it slows down again check to store to see if something new has been added and make sure to download all those items on to your phone. This should allow you to have a fairly good playing speed.
On other details, I got through Level 76 almost entirely on selling baby Lionfish---no easy task! The eels in tanks 72 to 75 matured and were sold. I was originally going to replace these tanks with grunts, however seeing that there is no way I can finish before Day 52, I decided to load these four tanks with one more cycle of eels. They will mature the night of Day 52 and give me 12 million of the 15 million I need. The rest of the eels will be sold leisurely tomorrow morning between 4 and 7 o'clock. To make up the 3 million coins still needed, I will run 30 tanks of grunts, with the remaining 40-odd tanks running Greenies. Oh Greenies! You've come back to me! I've missed you. I will still sell the odd tank or two of Lionfish, but, all in all, I'll be happy getting rid of the eels.
Anyway, the 600 million will be ready by day 52, it is now up to my Greenies and my thumbs to collect the remaining 240,000 XP needed! Off we go!


  1. 240,000 XP in 4 days is heavy, man.
    You have to beat your daily average everytime, and more.
    60,000 XP per day, you haven't done this yet.
    Well, good luck!

    .. Or you can always move your target date.

  2. Pretty sure I will have the coins before the XPs. I won't be a slouch about it, but since I missed my day 50 goal finishing in 53 days is not much different than finishing in 52. I think will all these tanks switching to greenies means I should get a big XP boost from here on out.

  3. does anyone know would a shark kill my fish if a put any type of shark in a tank full of fish.
    on tap fish.
