Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 43 A Week Left?

Good evening everyone! The end is within sight, so shall we get down to business?
One of my first, self-imposed, goals was to do it in do this in 50 days. Looking now, 52 or 53 days might seem more realistic, but what if I were to stick to that goal? Is it still possible to finish 7 days from now?

Here is the situation.
I have 50 tanks of eels, 3 of Grunts, and the rest are running goldfish tonight and Greenies during the day. The three tanks (5,6, and 30) that were not in sync were sold off are presently raising the grunts. The lack of XP tanks (only 22!) has cut down on my XP growth. I may even have trouble getting the 29,000 XP needed to reach Level 76 tomorrow.

However before going on to the XP's let's tackle the coins. 600 mil is needed to buy all the sharks. As you can see above I presently have a net worth of 204 mil or a little over a third of the way. In exactly two days (Sunday night) all my eels will mature as well as 6 tanks of grunts. I will assume that three of these Grunt tanks will be sacrificed doing the Lionfish baby trick. What would be my approximate net worth on Sunday night? Let's calculate:

Profit of a fully mature, happy Eel sold by hand: 60,000 XP times 2450 Eels = 147,000,000
Profits from 3 grunt tanks: 4, 284,000 coins.
147,000,000 + 4,284,000+204,079,220 (present worth)=355, 363,220 coins

With a goal of 600,000,000 I would be 244,636, 780 coins short with 5 days to go.

How many eel tanks will I need to reach it? 244,636,780/60,000 (Eel profit)=4078 Eels
4078 Eels/50 per tank=81.5 tanks.

Well I can't very well raise 81 tanks in an 80 tank maximum game can I? I'll probably be on level 76 Sunday, so I can only devote 75 tanks to Eels. (one is needed for baby Lion selling)

75 Tanks times 50=3750 Eels times 60,000 profit=225,000,000 coins
225,000,000+355,363,220= 580,363,220 net worth subtracted from 600,000,000
is 19.6 million short.

If after the four days I devote my 79 tanks (hopefully!) all to one day Grunts, I will make a profit of 11.2 million. Still 8 million short and I still haven't figured in the one or two million I will be losing from Lionfish tapping.

Mathematically speaking, then, I cannot complete my quest in 50 days. I need at least 51 and possibly 52 days considering how badly my XPs are lagging behind.

What, then, is my strategy? After Sunday., I will devote all my tanks to Greenies until I hit Level 79. At that time, I will devote all the tanks except one Lionfish tapper to Eels. To increase my XP at a greater rate I need full command of them and need to be away from work and business distractions. What I need is a tap fish retreat, and a Tuesday, Wednesday business trip may provide this for me. More on that when it become a reality.

As for tomorrow, the goal is to reach Level 76. I will focus on that now. Take care all and see you same time tomorrow!

All the best,


  1. Before you turn everything to greenies, turn everything tonight to grunts first. So tomorrow night you'll sell all eels and grunts at the same time hopefully easing your coin problem before you go allout xp

  2. Sir, you read my mind. That is exactly what I am going to do. I will write about it in my next blog.
