Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


Day 47: On a business (fishing) trip

This is the image I have been looking at most of the day. My two green grunts matured so I took them out of the tank and put them in the breeding tank. They get to witness me selling Lion Fish mere seconds after I put them in the tank. These are great breedables by the way. In 14 hours they mature to 12,000 Coins each, or enough to pay for three tanks of baby lions. Unfortunately, I only have eels in my tanks, so I my breeding tanks will remain empty.
How was my day? Well I tapped when I could and moved up about 10,000 XP and the beauty of it is I have about three hours from now to tap to my hearts content. I wonder how close I can come to level 77 in that time. Tomorrow will be even easier. My business will mostly be done about two, so I will take whole afternoon, evening, night to tap.
Let's then take some time to talk about everybody's least favorite item in Tap Fish. That's right! The Fish Buck! Now I am not using them on my quest, but I totally sympathize with why they exist. Heck! If I had a popular game loved by thousands, I would probably trying to get as much out of it as I could too. This is how they make their living. We must remember than most video game fads are short lived. Bayview labs have about five years or so before Tap Fish become just a memory blip. It is better to milk the cow for all it is worth before it goes dry.
That said, it is hard to like fish buck and the way they are presented to the public. First of all, they are a bit pricey, 180 fish bucks for the Outer Space background equals about seven dollars of real money--a lot to pay for some cheap data. The prices also limit the amount of Fish Buck fish we could buy. Tap Fish's app page shows a beautiful tank filled with sting rays. What they don't tell you is that tank would cost over 50 real bucks to duplicate in real life. I would love to have tonnes of Zebra Angelfish, but I have to make due with just one in my main game.
The main problem these days is that the focus seems to be more and more towards the fish bucks. For example, back May there were 40 fish total of which 14 (35%)Fish buck fish. Today there are 87 fish of which 42 (48%) are fish buck fish. It is hard for the consumer to see this an anything other than a cash grab. I heard a lot of people groaning when only one of the new five sharks could be bought with coins.
Still, I don't fault Tap Fish. If I were running their business, I would be doing something similar but as a consumer I can't help but feel discouraged after seeing yet another fish available only in Fish Bucks.
Is there a solution? This is what I suggest. Make Tap Fish available on subscription. People who buy the subscription would have unlimited fishbucks for a limited amount of time, say 6 months. Of course the subscription should not be cheap, I would put it at a hundred bucks or so. However, a hundred bucks will still make Tap Fish a lot cheaper than other forms of entertainment, and the people who buy it can use it freely without the negative attitudes towards fishbucks or the need to download new apps for free fish bucks. When the subscription runs out they either revert to buying fishbucks individually or renew for another six months. I'm not sure if this will make Tap Fish as much money as they do now, but it will improve their image as a company that puts it's customers first.
I love Tap Fish, and I plan to buy tonnes of Fish Bucks when my quest ends next week. They made a great product and deserve to make a good profit from it. It would be nice, however, if this one negative aspect could be corrected in a way I suggested. Let me be your first subscriber, Tap Fish!
Take care everyone, and have a good night.


  1. I really like the idea of a subscription! I would buy it. Good luck with your quest!

  2. i think it's also over-reacting to these groans. people by nature complain. most people who bash bayview for those fishbucks schemes are normal complaining people. bayview will never give-in fully to them because they know by default they are giving free entertainment and that fishbucks are only extras.

    me and my wife have been playing tapfish for weeks now and we are enjoying every bit of it without a single dollar spent.

  3. Hi,

    I just came across your blog as I started out with Tapfish. I would be really interested in a strategies or overall reflection at the end of your quest. Maybe some for more casual players? I've been looking at your earlier posts especially to look for ways to start off, but I don't have as much time to do the Snappers etc after every four hours.

    Good luck on your quest!
