Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


A Needed Reform (Part One)

I love Tap Fish. I love Tap Fish so much that I am willing to forgive them for cutting the price of the Angler 75% just twelve hours after I bought them. I love them enough to forgive them for extending their three month old tank contest another three weeks. I'm even willing to forgive the fact that while my Canadian Maple Leaf costs fishbucks, The American tappers can buy their flag with coins. When it comes to Tap Fish, I'm willing to forgive a lot.
However there is one thing that I thing that I believe needs a drastic reform, something that makes me me wince every time I see it. The fish egg store needs a massive overhaul. Four months ago, the fish store made sense. You had your starters, your marine life, and your exotic, and these categories made sense. The starter fish looked like starters, marine life was basically things that are not fish, and the exotic fish like the Sea horse, Lion Fish, and Leafy Sea Dragon looked exotic. From then on things began to go haywire. First came the oh-so-realistic bunny fish, which someone decided was a starter fish. They pushed it so much that they used to be listen at the top of the category, but the negative backlash has now put them near the bottom. Then came the Super Exotic Fish, and the Limited Edition. The Limited Edition turned out to not be no so limited as every fish like clockwork comes back from the dead once a month.
The real tragedy, however, is this Super Exotic category. It is like the Exotic but so much more super! This is the place Tap fish makes us believe that a goldfish is somehow rarer than a Leafy Sea Dragon! Whereas the Starter category had the fish arranged by selling price with most of the fishbuck fish listed on the bottom, the Super Exotic seems to have no organization at all!
Take a look. Right now the super exotic holds 22 fish (more than the exotic) that are placed in this order: coin fish, fishbuck fish, fishbuck, fishbuck, fishbuck, fishbuck, fishbuck, coin, coin, coin, fishbuck, fishbuck, coin, coin, fishbuck, coin, fishbuck, coin, fishbuck, coin, coin, fishbuck. Confused? Many people are. Some of the most often used fish, like the White Grunt, are placed near the end. which many ones we would only rarely buy (how many Goby fish do you have) are placed right near the top. I personally have heard at least two cases where people accidentally bought Fishbuck Mollys, when they really wanted Grunts. Some people have commented to me that this is a deliberate deception, that Tap Fish wants us to buy fishbuck fish by mistake so they can earn more. I can't believe this, however. This is a problem of laziness, not malice. Perhaps the Tap fish people are too busy managing their new games like Tap Birds and Tap Ranch they have no time to give their original game the once over.
How would I do it, then? How would I make over the categories? Here is my suggestion.
Fish Egg Store Categories.
Coin fish
Coin breedables
Fish Buck fish
Fish Buck Breedables
Marine Life
Character Fish
Seven categories. The algae eater can go into fishbuck fish; it doesn't need its own category. Limited edition always end up not being so limited, so let's get rid of this gimmick and put them into the rest of the fish population. Every fish will be assigned a level it would open up to, with the Killer whale given a much later level while the eel and swordfish gets an earlier one. the original level 40 shark, we love you and all, but you have been made obsolete. You will be eliminated from Tap Fish.
Exactly what fish goes into what category? Let's discuss that in Part two (coming soon!)


  1. same here. i just bought the rainbow notho 3 hr before the 75% discount. ouch

  2. I would further divide the categories into Freshwater & Saltwater. It just chaps my as$ that people mix the two in the same tank! ;-)

  3. how do you buy more breeding tanks? i am on level 32 and want to buy more breeding tanks but it won't let me. do you have to be at a certain level? i emailed them and they said i must have maxed out at my level but did not offer any additional info. do you know?
    thank you!
