Present Condition : Day 54

Present Conditon: Day Fifty Four Night
Level 80. Tanks 80. Points 1,604,4366
Approx Net Worth: 600,127,344 coins
Number of Great White Sharks: 4000

☆☆☆Quest completed July 27, 18:51 Japan time☆☆☆
Total Time: 53 Days 19 hours 6 minutes


FAQ's Part I

During my quest I got a lot of interesting emails and posts. The vast majority of them have been very positive. There were a few funny unusual ones as well. Two evangelicals offered to save my soul, an animal rights activist suggested I start a blog about feeding birds in the park, and one lovely young girl proposed to me.

Oh yes, about 6 people wrote emails to me claiming to have already beaten my record. Unfortunately Tapfish has never heard of them and they offered no proof, so I guess my record is still standing.

Now today I would like to answer some of the questions posted to me on many forums. Hopefully my answers satisfy.

Do you have a job?
Yes, I have a full-time job, but I know better than to write about it on a public forum like this. And no, I do not work for TapFish.
Are you now going to do the same thing on Tap Birds?
No. I need a rest. A long rest before attempting something like this. I'll probably take a look at the app, however.

What are you going to do now?
Take a break, that's what. I think I should have a week or so break from Tap Fish. I didn't spend every hour of everyday doing it, but I did miss out on say watching TV, net surfing, phoning my mother, and many other of the little pleasures in life. Haven't been to a movie in months. Is Iron Man II still playing?
Right now I have restored my original game and bought 650 fishbucks. Plan to go on a spending spree. I am also still feeding all my 4000 great Whites I have in Tap fish 5.

Do you have any tips?

For the people you asked this, I assuming that you like the math side of the game and want to level up quickly. I have little to none artistic talent so I'm not the one to ask about making beautiful tanks and what not. For those who want to go as quickly as possible. I have lots of advice!
First plan your week. My job was very busy on Tues to Thursday so I made those coin-focused days. The rest of the days were Green Snapper XP days. There is no point in putting in Greenies if you know you can't sell every 4 hours. Goldfish or Yellows would be better in this case.
Second, plan your day. determine exactly when and where you will restock to make your day go smoothly. For me, I generally sold at 5:30, 10 am coffee break, 2:30 pm coffee break, right after work at 6:30, and then at late night at10:30pm. I would then right this blog from 11:30pm to midnight. This way I could get in 5 rounds of Greenie selling. If I knew my day was busy it was sell at 4 am, then 8 am, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm and then 10:30. Getting up at 4 however takes its it toll however.
Third, concentrate when you tap. Tapping with purpose for 15 minutes is much better than tapping casually for one hour. The longer you spend tapping, the more spaced out your tanks will become. You don't want to find yourself in the afternoon with a tank maturing every 15 minutes! This is too stressful. If you concentrate on your tapping, though, you should be able to sell 40+ tanks in 15 minutes or so.
Fourth, organize your tanks. Don't be jumping all over the place! Have your coin tanks at the start and your Xp tanks near the end. If you are on tank 20, tank 21 should be the next one you sell. Organized tanks leads to faster tapping.
Well this blog is long enough for now. I will deal with some of the other comments I got a little later. Happy tapping!


Can my record be broken?

Hello, everyone. Sorry for the lateness of the blog, but I got a bit sick yesterday. I think I was living on the adrenaline of the challenge and now that its over the stress of it all caught up to me. Much better today, however.

I'm glad to report that the folks at Tapfish have recognized me to be the official Tap Fish Speed Record holder. This of course begs the question, can it be broken? Yes, it can, and I hope someone will break it someday. To me, being a former World Record Holder is just as prestigious as being an actual world record holder. Today, then, I will give advice about how to break my record.

First, let's analyze the mistakes I made along the way.

Mistake One: Timing
I began my quest at the beginning of June. However, this was a little bit busy time at work for me. If I was smarter, I would have started the quest in Mid-July to end at the end of August when business is slower and I have my summer vacation. Probably the ideal person to break the record would be some young student on summer vacation with oodles of free time.

Mistake Two: IPhone OS4.
Midway in my quest I downloaded OS4 on my 3Gs device. As a result my TapFish game was littered with unnecessary pauses. For example, I used to sell/restock a tank every 17 seconds, but OS4 added almost 10 extra seconds. This made tasks that could have been done over 15 minute coffee breaks at work impossible to do, because they now required 25 minutes. Lots of XPs were lost to this OS4.

Mistake Three: Spending too much time on the Facebook Page
Don't get me wrong. I love my facebook friends, but there were times I should have been tapping instead of posting.

Mistake Four: Worrying about coins and the appearance of the White Grunt
If you read my earlier posts in June, you would have discovered a debate about what was the best way to get the coins I needed. Lots of readers worried that I was spending too much time on XPs and wasn't spending enough on making coins. In the end, had my coins before my XPs after level 65 when I started dealing with Electric Eels (at one point I had 75 tanks of them)  My Xp tapping came to a grinding halt. It took forever to get past level 76 since 90% of the points for this level were acquired by hand selling baby Lion fish. It might have been an interesting strategy to go barreling up to Level 80 and then from there try to make my points. Having said that, reaching level 80 but still being a week or two away from completing my quest would have been a bit embarrassing.

The White Grunt
This is not a mistake but a happening that greatly changed how the game was played. The grunt was not available when I started the challenge, but played a huge role in it after it appeared. Costing only 4200 coins, it nevertheless makes 2856 coins in profit. The beauty of it is that it takes only one day to mature. Unlike the Golden Dwarf, the White Grunt was also made available at the very beginning of the game. The next person who attempts this challenge will have access to this fish from the start and therefore won't have to waste time dealing with Swordfish, Dwarves, and Barracudas like I did. This is definitely a huge advantage.

These 4 mistakes are what I believe will eventually lead to my records demise. Hopefully you guys will allow me to hold it for a month or so. If you attempt it , please remember to make a blog and take videos so your record becomes official. Looking forward to see who can do it!
Good luck tapping! Will write again soon!


Thanks everyone.

Hello all my readers. I will still blog yet today, but I plan to read all my posts first to get some focus. In the meantime, there are a few people I would like to thank specifically.
First, thank you Andy, even though you are at sea and can't read this. If it wasn't for you this blog would look a lot worse.
Second, thanks to Joonie for helping me calculate my best course of action with the eels.
Third, thanks to Glenn for being the diplomat who smoothed over all problems I created on Facebook.
Fourth, thank you Jeff for that wonderful card you created.
Fifth, thanks for the staff at Tap fish for all their encouragement and making this excellent game.
Finally, thank you the readers. One blog post is not enough to thank you. I will need a separate one to discuss all the comments you sent me.
Well, lunch break is over. Take care everyone. Will write again soon!


Day 54: My Quest is Complete

Hello everyone! My quest to set the fastest time to 80 tanks filled 50 Great White Sharks each has just finished. I hope to write something profound (or somewhat profound) about this quest in the days to come, but tonight let me just deal with the technical aspects of the quest. This way the makers of Tap Fish can look at it and verify my claim to be the record holder.
First, the first picture above shows that I indeed reached level 80 with the required 600 million coins. The second picture shows the last tank, tank 80, filled with 50 great white sharks. I will take screenshots of all 80 tanks and send them off to Bay View Labs, but for my blog I think posting two are enough. I will post other photos on other days as I continue my blog.
On the right you will see I have posted two five-minute videos in addition to my first day. One is showing the state of my tanks at 18:01(Japan time) on July 27, 2010 having 600 coins and eighty empty tanks. The next one shows the state of my tanks being full with great white sharks at 18;51 the same day. There is one more video, a fifty minute video, of me actually putting every single shark into every single tank. However due to its size I have not yet posted it on YouTube. I will send this video to Bay View Labs if they so request it, and will try to post a fast-forwarded version of it on this homepage in the near future.. The videos show the time on my IPhone as well as the time from an independent Internet source. The source featured in the video is
If these sources are taken as valid, my time for completing my quest is 53 days 19 hours, 6 minutes. I humbly submit this time as the record for going from nothing to 80 tanks filled with 4000 Great Whites.
I also swear on my life that I was not aided in this quest through the use of Fish Bucks or hacks. As you can see, the original two fish bucks that came with the game are still in the top bar. I also swear on my life that I alone did all the tapping in this quest.
With the information provided in this blog, I humbly request Bay View Labs to recognize my quest as the current official World Record of Tap Fish. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Day 54 Last Push!

Morning of the 54 th day. Just over 600 Million. 41,000 XP to go. Last night at my game I fell asleep and woke up to find that I bought a tank full of Killer Whales that take 6 days to mature! Luckily I still have enough coins to put me past 600 million even if I sell these whales as babies. It is a bit ironic it happened because a killer whale would eat a great white in the wild. I guess it was trying to make a statement. Will keep the one tank for a while, try to cut my losses, and go for the prize. Wish me luck!


Day 53 Thoughts and Reflections

I'm making another midday blog so I can rest up for my big push tomorrow. It is only 5 in the afternoon and I've already increased 36,000XP, so I should have a good chance of finishing my quest tomorrow. Ideally I would like to finish tomorrow afternoon so I can make a video to announce my completion. If all goes well I will finish in 53 1/2 days. However tomorrow night and 54 days is still a possibility.

Like I said yesterday, I was a little surprised that I fell short of 600 mill. Now, however, I am under 200,000 away with 400,000 of Grunts (3 tanks) to sell tomorrow morning. I haven't done any lion fish tapping, but I might put a bit in now seeing that I should clear my goal by about 200,000. It is still a little scary though. Perhaps I should wait tomorrow morning when the grunts are all sold, or keep the lion fish down to about 30 tanks of so. With over 75 tanks selling Greenies, I don't need the Lion babies as I did when I had to deal with all those eels. There is also the unknown factor of how many bonus coins I will get after hitting Level 80. If anyone out there knows let me know.

Thanks, by the way, for all the email messages on Facebook and elsewhere. I'd love to reply to them all, but first let me get this challenge out of the way.

By the way, if I do make it tomorrow, don't expect a long, poetic blog. It will probably be a very technical one in order to cement the validity of my claim. The day after, however, I promise to give a good account of my quest and probably blog a bit about it for a bit afterwards. There are many good questions that I would love to answer and will definitely use this blog to continue it. It will also go into some tips and strategies for Tap Fish. Please keep reading.

Just as a reminder, I will make three videos: just before I put in the Great Whites, while I put in the Great Whites, and the state afterwards putting in the Great Whites. I will post the first and the last on YouTube. The second one might be too big for YouTube, but I will keep it in case Tap Fish requires more proof of my quest. I will also post online a picture of all 80 tanks for you to see. (That might not be so interesting, however. What can I say? It is a necessary technicality.)If there is anything you the reader would like to see in regards to my finish or blog, please let me know.

Well, if I really want to finish by this time tomorrow afternoon, I guess I better get tapping! Still 63,000 XP to go! Come to daddy, you lovable Great White Sharks!

Day 52 Thoughts and refections.

I post this blog a little late today because I thought I would have a nice surprise with my coins all at 600 million. Turns out I'm about 300,000 short (probably too much lion fish tapping). I should get a 55,000 coin bonus for hitting 79 tomorrow, and I put in three tanks of grunts just now to hopefully make up the difference.
I had to tap fast today and ended up mass selling three tanks of Grunts instead of hand selling them as I should have. That might have also been a factor.

Despite spending the whole day with my friends at the beach. I still cleared 50,000 XP again. That puts me less than 100,000 XP away from my goal. Should be done in 2 days or even sooner. It looks like the record will be set in 53.5 days or 54 at the most. With 75 Greenie tanks tomorrow, my tapping will be relentless. Eyes are on the goal! I can almost taste that shark fin soup! (Bad joke, I'm vegetarian. I promise to let all my 4000 Great Whites go free in the wild when this is done.)


Day 51: Thoughts and Reflections

With no eels to worry about today and 60+ tanks of Greenies at my command, I had my best tapping day ever with over 50,000 XPs, enough to open up level 78 and give me a good start on Level 79. I am also only 14 million coins away from my goal, which I should easily get when my eels mature tomorrow.
I have 65 greenie tanks ready to go for tomorrow, but I have to go to a beach party. This means it will be hard to steal away the time to tap to the fullest. The glare of the sun may also affect my play and it will be hard for me to recharge my iPhone whenever I like. Actually, my IPhone is beginning to show some wear. It got so hot today from the weather and constant tapping that the glue that held the volume control melted and that tiny piece of silver plastic fell off. I still have it but it means there is not adjusting the volume. Good thing Tap Fish doesn't need volume.
I talked with the people at Bayview labs today and they seem very supportive of my efforts. Now all there is left to do is get down and sell those greenies, collect those XPs and set this record. Sorry, folks, this is all for today. I am so energized that I want to get back to tapping as so as I can! Have a great day and keep those comments coming!


Day 50 Thoughts and Reflections: Bye Bye Eels

Today was my last big eel selling day as I hand-sold 71 tanks of them. I started at 3:30 in the morning and ended at about noon. There was a 90 minute break in there and I also sold about 40 tanks of Greenies in that time. Funny thing was that I missed the greenies. The eels were a horror to sell, but I guess they did their job, as I am presently at about 584 million coins, very near my goal of 600 million. The 600 mil should be made in two days from now as my last 4 tanks of eels mature. That, plus 20 odd tanks of grunts that I have going now, should put the coins over the magic number.
XPs are lagging behind, which is funny because many people thought I would get to level 80 before I could get 600 million. I guess it is difficult to time it perfectly, I surely couldn't do it. I think can hit level 80 on day 53 or 54. Today I have made 32,000 XP so far, but I still have 5 hours or so until my 11;45 deadline, so I should be over 40,000 XP no problem. With only a few grunts and eels to worry about now, tomorrow should be even easier.
Overall, I am a little sad I couldn't complete it in 50 days, but such is life. I will just keep focused and try to tap as much as I can. Keep cheering for me over these last few days!
Thanks for all your comments as well. Keep them coming!


Day 48&49: Shark Attack

First, sorry for no blog yesterday. All I had with me on my business trip was a cheap netbook computer that wouldn't listen to me., so I thought to put two days together into one.
The netbook computer was not the only thing that went awry. As my title states, I was attacked by sharks! Luckily I survived and learned something from the incident. Yesterday I got back to the hotel at 4:30 and basically tapped baby Lionfish from then until two in the morning. In spite of that, I only managed to move up 25,000 XP in that time. The problem was that Tap Fish was painfully slow last night. I couldn't believe how slow it took things to move, so I emailed a friend about it. She told me that Tap Fish becomes painfully slow when the developers at Bayview are working on it. It also become very slow when something new is added and you haven't downloaded it properly into your game.
Sure enough I checked the Tap Fish store, and saw a new fish was added, the Whale Shark. I downloaded the icons on my phone, and presto! Full speed ahead. I had real good speed for about twenty minutes until it suddenly slowed down again. This time apparently, the developers were having trouble introducing a new back ground called Shark Tank. There was a space for it on the backgrounds page but no actual background was there. With nothing better to do, I tapped slowly until two in the morning and then went to bed.
I got up at 5 in the morning (that's right I'm writing this on 3 hours sleep!), and presto! it was fast again. I learned that if Tap Fish becomes slow you should exit the app and re-enter it once again for speed to return. Like clockwork, however, the game slowed down again after twenty minutes. I looked into the store, saw that the Shark Tank background was fixed, and downloaded all the icons on my phone. Presto! It was full speed ahead again.
The speed was good for most of the day today, when then it began to slow down again at about two in the afternoon. I looked around the store and saw another new background, Los Vegas, was added. Like before, I downloaded the icons and the speed came back again.
All in all, it was a frustrating two days, but I learned a lot about what makes Tap Fish speedy or not. If your game gets slow, first close the app and reboot it. This should restore the speed. Second, if it slows down again check to store to see if something new has been added and make sure to download all those items on to your phone. This should allow you to have a fairly good playing speed.
On other details, I got through Level 76 almost entirely on selling baby Lionfish---no easy task! The eels in tanks 72 to 75 matured and were sold. I was originally going to replace these tanks with grunts, however seeing that there is no way I can finish before Day 52, I decided to load these four tanks with one more cycle of eels. They will mature the night of Day 52 and give me 12 million of the 15 million I need. The rest of the eels will be sold leisurely tomorrow morning between 4 and 7 o'clock. To make up the 3 million coins still needed, I will run 30 tanks of grunts, with the remaining 40-odd tanks running Greenies. Oh Greenies! You've come back to me! I've missed you. I will still sell the odd tank or two of Lionfish, but, all in all, I'll be happy getting rid of the eels.
Anyway, the 600 million will be ready by day 52, it is now up to my Greenies and my thumbs to collect the remaining 240,000 XP needed! Off we go!


Day 47: On a business (fishing) trip

This is the image I have been looking at most of the day. My two green grunts matured so I took them out of the tank and put them in the breeding tank. They get to witness me selling Lion Fish mere seconds after I put them in the tank. These are great breedables by the way. In 14 hours they mature to 12,000 Coins each, or enough to pay for three tanks of baby lions. Unfortunately, I only have eels in my tanks, so I my breeding tanks will remain empty.
How was my day? Well I tapped when I could and moved up about 10,000 XP and the beauty of it is I have about three hours from now to tap to my hearts content. I wonder how close I can come to level 77 in that time. Tomorrow will be even easier. My business will mostly be done about two, so I will take whole afternoon, evening, night to tap.
Let's then take some time to talk about everybody's least favorite item in Tap Fish. That's right! The Fish Buck! Now I am not using them on my quest, but I totally sympathize with why they exist. Heck! If I had a popular game loved by thousands, I would probably trying to get as much out of it as I could too. This is how they make their living. We must remember than most video game fads are short lived. Bayview labs have about five years or so before Tap Fish become just a memory blip. It is better to milk the cow for all it is worth before it goes dry.
That said, it is hard to like fish buck and the way they are presented to the public. First of all, they are a bit pricey, 180 fish bucks for the Outer Space background equals about seven dollars of real money--a lot to pay for some cheap data. The prices also limit the amount of Fish Buck fish we could buy. Tap Fish's app page shows a beautiful tank filled with sting rays. What they don't tell you is that tank would cost over 50 real bucks to duplicate in real life. I would love to have tonnes of Zebra Angelfish, but I have to make due with just one in my main game.
The main problem these days is that the focus seems to be more and more towards the fish bucks. For example, back May there were 40 fish total of which 14 (35%)Fish buck fish. Today there are 87 fish of which 42 (48%) are fish buck fish. It is hard for the consumer to see this an anything other than a cash grab. I heard a lot of people groaning when only one of the new five sharks could be bought with coins.
Still, I don't fault Tap Fish. If I were running their business, I would be doing something similar but as a consumer I can't help but feel discouraged after seeing yet another fish available only in Fish Bucks.
Is there a solution? This is what I suggest. Make Tap Fish available on subscription. People who buy the subscription would have unlimited fishbucks for a limited amount of time, say 6 months. Of course the subscription should not be cheap, I would put it at a hundred bucks or so. However, a hundred bucks will still make Tap Fish a lot cheaper than other forms of entertainment, and the people who buy it can use it freely without the negative attitudes towards fishbucks or the need to download new apps for free fish bucks. When the subscription runs out they either revert to buying fishbucks individually or renew for another six months. I'm not sure if this will make Tap Fish as much money as they do now, but it will improve their image as a company that puts it's customers first.
I love Tap Fish, and I plan to buy tonnes of Fish Bucks when my quest ends next week. They made a great product and deserve to make a good profit from it. It would be nice, however, if this one negative aspect could be corrected in a way I suggested. Let me be your first subscriber, Tap Fish!
Take care everyone, and have a good night.


46 End Game Strategy

First of all, I would like to say that, unlike yesterday, the numbers at the top of the blog are indeed correct. I have a net worth of 359 million, not the 380 I wrote yesterday. With these adjusted figures I should finish Day 49 fifteen million coins short of 600 million. If I sold 79 or 80 tanks of grunts on the last day, I will still be 3 million short. Tanks 72 to 75 will mature on day 48, but the 1.2 million extra they make will probably be eaten up by my baby Lion fish habit. Therefore coin-wise my journey will definitely not end before day 52.
How about point-wise? Well with a mere 6,000 points tapped today, there is no way I will be on level 79 or 80 without doing something drastic.

So, then, let's do something drastic!

After I finish this blog, I will take one full hour and see how many Lion fish tanks I can sell in that time period. My estimate is 45 tanks. If that is the case and if it takes 533 sold tanks to reach 80,000 XPs, I need to work 11.8 hours a day to move up one level. This amount cannot possibly be achieved.

Or can it?

Here is the scoop. Starting tomorrow, I will have a two-day business trip. The trip itself is very easy. Basically I just have to show up, meaning I will have lots of time to tap. I could return to my hotel room at about 3 in the afternoon, then tap until three in the morning without the distraction of family. Tapping twelve hours straight may be one of the most boring things in my life. Mentally and physically, it might even be impossible. Still, sacrifices have to be made if one is really truly serious about one's quest. This is a sacrifice I am willing to make. If it goes well, I could see myself two days from now on level 48 with four days to get 2 more levels before day 52. This is, of course, a big if, and it depends a lot on my endurance and stamina. But, what the hell, let's give it a shot, shall we?
In other news, some people are wondering what will become of me and my blog once I am done my quest. Well, I am not going to let 4000 Great Whites to die just because I finished my quest, so I will continue on with Tap 5 until they are all mature and sold. I will then leave Tap 5 and may restart my main game enjoying what is left of the summer. As for the blog, I believe there will be several more entries after the quest where I debate strategies and things I should have done differently on the quest. I might also go into my take on certain issues in Tap Fish if anyone is interested in what I have to say. In short, the blog will continue for a little while after the quest.
By the way, I will be making two more videos to verify my claim as the fastest tap fisher. I will make one video that shows the date and time, and my tank to show that I have 80 tanks and my coins are over the amount needed to stock all of them with great whites. The actual stocking will be filmed but not posted because it will take too long (over an hour). I will then post a video where I show all the tanks with the Great Whites in them and my final time. Hopefully this will be enough for the makers of tap fish to legitimize my record.
Finally, since I am going on business trip, I don't know if I will have the means to write my blog. I'll do my best, but if I can't , look for the next blog to come on day 48.
Take care and please keep those comments coming! (Don't use anonymous, there are too many of them.)

Day 45 What an ordeal!

Today's blog will be very short, because, as you can see by the time it was posted, it is three in the morning where I am at. In short, it took over four hours to hand sell 2,700 odd Eels. Next time will be even worse. No pain no gain I guess. Please note that the stats at the top of the blog, especially the total next worth, were computed hastily and may indeed be off by quite a bit. I thought it would take about 2 hours to sell all those eels! Boy did they show me. FOUR HOURS! Do try this at home kids. How on earth will I ever sell off the 75 tanks I have now? Stay tuned for that adventure in 4 days.

Like I said again. Sorry for the short blog. Will try to post longer tomorrow if I have any strength.


Day 44: Level 76 and a Decision

Today I accomplished my main goal of reaching level 76. This will give me one extra tank to play with when I restock Eels. It was only about 30,000 XP away, but it took a huge effort as I had only 20 Greenie tanks to work with. Half the the XP were acquired by selling the Lion fish babies. I estimate I sold a hundred tanks of them today.
Yesterday I commented that I after selling my Eels I would devote all my tanks to Greenies until I reached 79. However looking at my schedule for the week, I had second thoughts. I seem to be busy on Monday this week, so it would be a little pointless to be working all Greenies then. I have much more time on Tuesday, Wednesday, but what would I do about Monday?
As one commentator mentioned in my comments yesterday, perhaps abandoning Greenie tanks on Sunday and replacing them with Grunt tanks would be a way to make up for the coin shortage I am expecting. Indeed running an extra 20 tanks of Grunts tomorrow will make me an extra 2.8 million coins at a loss of only 15,000 XPs I got from the Greenies.
I decided to do him one better, however. I changed 16 tanks from Greenies to Grunts and the other four (tanks 72-75) I made Eels. That means these four tanks will mature a day earlier than my main tanks, easing my overall selling burden and giving more free tanks to work with as I near the end of my game. It will also give me a rest for most of the day tomorrow (except my baby tapping tank 76) as I prepare for a long Eel selling process tomorrow.
I won't, however, entirely be abandoning Greenies. My eel tanks tomorrow, while all maturing, will mature at different times. The first will be at four in the afternoon and the last at 11 or so at night. Given the lateness of this selling, I will not immediately restock with Eels. I will do one round of greenies overnight and restock the new Eels in the early morning. The reasoning here is that the one round of selling the eels followed quickly by a Greenie round will give me a good boost towards level 77. Also, if everything ends at night, I will be too tired to organize the video recording of when I put in all the great whites. Better to have them mature in the morning when I am a bit rested and organize the final push from there. These late nights like tonight take a lot out of me, so I would like to put it to morning if I can. I therefore decided to fill 71 tanks with Eels Monday morning to go with the four I filled tonight. Tomorrow's plan will be to focus on Lion Fish selling in the day, sell the eels at night, put in a round of Greenies, and then restock Eels Monday morning. Lets see where this takes me.
By the way, thank you for the emails and comments both here, and on Facebook, even the petty, negative ones. Especially the negative ones, they are quite funny! It is amazing how condescending and judgemental some people can be given the anonymous security of the Internet. I got a real funny one from some animal rights group. They basically said I was wasting my life and that I should write a blog about feeding a thousand birds instead. Hate to say it guys, but if went down to the local park here and started to feed all the winged rats (excuse me, pigeons) someone would report me to the police. It's not allowed in many parks in Japan. No feed the birds Mary Poppins, not when they have to clean up all their poop! If what I am doing so offends you, then don't read my blog. I can do without the advice about how I should live my life. Just to let you know, I'm not a hermit. I took my family out to dinner tonight, and played with my daughter until bedtime. If anything has changed, it is the time I usually spent on other leisure activities has been channelled into Tap Fish. I've watched no movies, TV shows, or surfed the net much in the past 44 days. That has been the biggest change. And the beauty of this quest is that in about a week, it will all be over and I will be on my next challenge in life.
All of you have a wonderful day. Enjoy tapping and living!


Day 43 A Week Left?

Good evening everyone! The end is within sight, so shall we get down to business?
One of my first, self-imposed, goals was to do it in do this in 50 days. Looking now, 52 or 53 days might seem more realistic, but what if I were to stick to that goal? Is it still possible to finish 7 days from now?

Here is the situation.
I have 50 tanks of eels, 3 of Grunts, and the rest are running goldfish tonight and Greenies during the day. The three tanks (5,6, and 30) that were not in sync were sold off are presently raising the grunts. The lack of XP tanks (only 22!) has cut down on my XP growth. I may even have trouble getting the 29,000 XP needed to reach Level 76 tomorrow.

However before going on to the XP's let's tackle the coins. 600 mil is needed to buy all the sharks. As you can see above I presently have a net worth of 204 mil or a little over a third of the way. In exactly two days (Sunday night) all my eels will mature as well as 6 tanks of grunts. I will assume that three of these Grunt tanks will be sacrificed doing the Lionfish baby trick. What would be my approximate net worth on Sunday night? Let's calculate:

Profit of a fully mature, happy Eel sold by hand: 60,000 XP times 2450 Eels = 147,000,000
Profits from 3 grunt tanks: 4, 284,000 coins.
147,000,000 + 4,284,000+204,079,220 (present worth)=355, 363,220 coins

With a goal of 600,000,000 I would be 244,636, 780 coins short with 5 days to go.

How many eel tanks will I need to reach it? 244,636,780/60,000 (Eel profit)=4078 Eels
4078 Eels/50 per tank=81.5 tanks.

Well I can't very well raise 81 tanks in an 80 tank maximum game can I? I'll probably be on level 76 Sunday, so I can only devote 75 tanks to Eels. (one is needed for baby Lion selling)

75 Tanks times 50=3750 Eels times 60,000 profit=225,000,000 coins
225,000,000+355,363,220= 580,363,220 net worth subtracted from 600,000,000
is 19.6 million short.

If after the four days I devote my 79 tanks (hopefully!) all to one day Grunts, I will make a profit of 11.2 million. Still 8 million short and I still haven't figured in the one or two million I will be losing from Lionfish tapping.

Mathematically speaking, then, I cannot complete my quest in 50 days. I need at least 51 and possibly 52 days considering how badly my XPs are lagging behind.

What, then, is my strategy? After Sunday., I will devote all my tanks to Greenies until I hit Level 79. At that time, I will devote all the tanks except one Lionfish tapper to Eels. To increase my XP at a greater rate I need full command of them and need to be away from work and business distractions. What I need is a tap fish retreat, and a Tuesday, Wednesday business trip may provide this for me. More on that when it become a reality.

As for tomorrow, the goal is to reach Level 76. I will focus on that now. Take care all and see you same time tomorrow!

All the best,


Day 42 Reflections

I'd like to start off with the brevity of yesterday's post. I was so exhausted after selling off all those Eels that I just didn't have the energy to write more. I progressed diligently over the day, selling what few Greenie tanks I have left five times over, but it is a long lonely road between levels 70 and 80.

Let's go on to other topics, shall we? Some beginners have written me to give more detail about how to progress at the beginning of the game. They asked me if I bought each fish egg individually and fed them individually. I did quite the opposite. Sure at the very beginning I tried to scrape together any XP or coin I could so I could fill my two tanks. However after that my game was all about selling all the fish in my tanks five times over in the day. I learned to sell/reload speedily. I could at the beginning before the OS4 upgrade sell a tank in 16 seconds. I sold four rounds of Green Snappers and one over night round of Goldfish to gain a few extra coins. I rarely bothered to feed my fish because the one coin and XP you get does not make up for all the extra time it takes to do this. This is just an estimate, but I would say that over 80% of the fish I have had in my tanks have never been fed even once. Tapping for Welcome and Love is useful early in the game but later on is just a waste of time. I is much more efficient to sell/reload tanks regardless of whether they are mature or not. Right now I can sell/restock a school of Lionfish in 1 minute 5 seconds on the OS4. A mature tank takes 30 seconds in OS4.

As my readers may remember, I was thinking of downgrading from the OS4 recently, but after reading a little more about it, this option does not seem to be feasible anymore. I'll just do my best with what Tap Fish and Apple has given me.

Right now all the eels I have are seriously cutting into how fast I can get XPs. I'm developing a strategy to counteract this, but I won't tell you until I actually try it out in a few days.

Take care all and happy tapping!

Day 41 Reflections

Today I made it finally to level 75. Although my Xp take was only about 30,000, I feel exhausted after spending well over an hour selling 1450 Eels by hand. I can' t imagine how I will do 2600 more four days from now!
My coin total is just shy of 200 million, so that seems to be going fine as well, considering we have two more rounds of Eels to go through.
Tell you what, everyone. I would love to blog more, but I am really mentally exhausted after all those Eels. I'll expand more in a midday blog tomorrow!
Sincere apologies, Shane


Day 40 End

Well, being my busy day at work, I only managed to tap 29,000 XP, in other words, I couldn't get to Level 75 in two days. I need at least 16,000XP to get there tomorrow. I plan to do some lionfish tapping tonight to see if I can compensate.
Tomorrow will be another busy day at work, so I converted more point tanks into coin tanks. I will run 30 tanks eels, 15 grunts, and the rest Greenies with one tapping tank for lionfish. I will have a huge project in that I have to sell 45 tanks by hand and put in 53 tanks of Eels. The game just gets funner and funner.

By the way, you may have noticed that my Eel count dropped slightly. I am trying to deal with the problem of having three Eel tanks (5,6, and 30) which are not co-ordinated with the rest. Specifically tanks 5 and 6 contain Eels of various ages. I am trying to solve this by not replacing the eels as I sell them off until I can consolidate these two tanks into one and them get them in line with the others. Hence the slight drop in Eels. Don't worry, they didn't die or anything. Just sent off to some sushi bar somewhere.

Well, it is one in the morning here, but I still have work to do. Take care, Tap fish folk!


Day 39 Reflections

Not much to report today. I moved up only 34,000 XP even though I sold 5 times. I just didn't do enough Lionfish tapping to make up the 6000 XP shortfall. I did, however, have enough money to buy a whole new tank of Eels, which I did, although they are out of sync with the other tanks. I will have to do something to try and make all my eel tanks sync together for the grand finale. Still, that is ten days away or so, so there is time to procrastinate. Tomorrow I will run 30 Eel tanks, 6 Grunts, 35 Greenies(which are right now full of Yellows), and 1 Lionfish seller tank. I will try to use that more instead of relying on the four hour cycle. I'm getting good enough to rival a usual Greenie cycle tank, and I can do it whenever it is convenient. Hopefully I can get close to Level 75 tomorrow, even if I can make it the whole way. Wish me luck!


Day 38 Reflections

Day 38 was a productive day as I managed to Tap just over 40,000 XP or enough to clear level 73 to level 74 with about an hour to spare. I was so happy with myself that I gave myself the night off and stocked with Yellowies instead of the usual Greenies as a night fish. I was tempted to go with goldfish, but that would be using up too much time. Sleep can wait for when I finish that quest.
And when, exactly will I be finishing this quest? Some may look at the simple math. He's got 6 tanks left and he is taking two days to do a tank, that means he will finish in fifty days! That might be true if conditions were constant, but they never are.
Take Eels, for example, right now I've got 29 tanks of them that will give me a profit of 87 million every 4 days. However, with only 12 days left to fifty, I could only do this 3 more times giving me a net value of 360 million or well short of the 600 million I need. No I will have to raise my Eel tanks to about 52 next time and to about 75 the time after that. This will give me almost no tanks to sell XP Greenies.
Even if I accomplish all this, I will still fall about 4 million short of the 600 million I need when I reach Level 80. At this stage of the game 4 million does not seem like much but it is still a fair bit. Keeping this in mind, I decided at midday to convert 5 tanks to Grunts from Greenies. Hopefully if I keep raising this amount of Grunts over the next 8 days I will have enough coins to buy all my Great Whites at Level 80.
What about the XP's, then ? How can you move 40,000XPs a day if eight days from now you will only have one or two measly tanks to devote to XP? Well, this is where the dreaded baby selling comes in. As you can see in the tank above, if you load a tank with Lionfish and have a foodblock sitting on the left corner, the fish will go above the block and remain there motionless, making very easy to baby sell. Of course I am exploiting a programming blip, but I'll take any advantage I can get. Today I must have sold over fifty tanks using this, and my fingers and mind didn't become too tired. Will I be able to use this method to sell the 267 tanks a day needed to jump up the required 40,000 XP's ? We will have to see.
So can I do it? Can I finish my quest in fifty days? I wouldn't bet on me. There is bound to be something to come up that will either hold back my coins or XPs. I think 53 days would be a more reasonable goal. But who knows? There is still a lot of tapping to do!
Good night, everyone! May the fish gods bless all of you!

Day 37: Over 100 million

At 31,000 XP today was not a very good point day. I was expecting this, though, because I had all those stringy, slippery eels to sell. Most of the fish are well-designed, beautiful creations. Eels are not one of those creations. They are just these blackish brown lines that are incredibly hard to tap on individually. I'm so tempted to go for the instant sell option but the 15% penalty is just too much at this level. Above all this, I had a major presentation at work today that limited my morning tapping to only about 30 tanks or so.
The afternoon, however, was smooth sailing so I managed to sell three times over and tapped an additional 15 tanks or so of baby fish using the baby Lionfish/Foodblock trick. I haven't timed myself, but I think I can sell a whole tank of them now in well under a minute. Now that I have to manage 29 Eel tanks and have only 44 for Greenies, this baby-fish selling (God, that sounds awful) will become a big part of the game. I'm leaving tank 71 open with a food block so I can do this anytime I like. The beauty of the foodblock is that it freezes all the baby lionfish in a corner, so you don't have to hunt for them. Hell, I don't even have to look anymore to do it.
What is my strategy for the next four days? Right now I am just under 40,000 XP to level 74, and I really want that extra tank. Having only 44 free tanks makes this difficult. As I said before, I need to tap 267 tanks a day to get 40,000 points. Selling all my 44 five times will only bring me 220. Thank means I have to sell about 47 tanks of baby lions to ensure I make it there.
I'm not even sure about the five times selling is possible, because this slow OS4 means that is a two hour endeavour, compared to the 90 minute endeavor it would have been. After next week, downgrading from OS4 may be a mute point, but right now I still see its usefulness. I think I will try it after this blog is finished. I figure I could always upgrade again when this quest is finished in about two weeks from now.
In other news, selling Eels has been a pain, and I'm tired of looking at them. However, they have put me over the 100 million coin mark. I'm now a sixth of the way to my coin goal, which is still increasing exponentially. Looking at the overall numbers, I think it would take a near miracle to have both the points and coins ready by day 50. Fifty two or three days may be more realistic. Well I guess I should just keep plugging along at this task I have laid in front of me. Good night all!

P.S. I have been breeding, by the way. I gave up when it rewards didn't merit the effort, but with Grunts being breed able. I can make a Green Grunt that mature in 12 hours but is worth 12,000 coins. However, lacking fishbucks, I can only make two of them every three days, so their overall impact on the game is minimal. They are a nice change of pace, though, from the Eels and Greenies I have to look at all day.


Day 36 Reflections

Well I made the leap to level 73 although my tap total was 36,000 XP. I am about 10,000 XP into the level which means at this pace I will hit 74 in two days.
A factor that may hamper this would be tomorrow afternoon. My eels will mature then so my tanks will jump to about 29 full of eels. That leaves just 73 or so to make my XPs. Selling 43 five times a day will put me 52 sold tanks short (or 7800 XP) of my daily goal.
At this point selling fish by hand will have to increase. Today I sold about 10 tanks of the lions on the food block. This is definitely the easiest and fastest way to do it, even though it cost 3240 coins a shot. 52 tanks will thus cost me 168,000 coins or so. It's a hefty but affordable sum to keep me on pace.
I've read how to revert my OS4 back to the original, but I am still debating it. No time to do it today, but I could do it tomorrow after work. The more tanks I devote to Eels, however, the less relevance this has to my quest as a whole. It is either now or never. Has anyone else reverted back? Was it worth it?
Well another Tapping day is winding down, and a new one is beginning. I will get up in about 5 and a half hours from now to hit the Iphone. The first thing I will do after this project is get a decent night's rest. Wish me luck.
All the best, Shane


Day 35: Thoughts and Reflections

No picture again today. What is the point? I have nothing in my tanks except for Greenies and Eels. do you really want to want to see one of those?
It has been a busy time at work so today was another day where I did not even come close to approaching 40,000. Next week might be a bit smoother. I'm going to try getting up a bit earlier again and do two rounds of selling before work, at 4 and 8 in the morning. This might set the tone for me to do 5 rounds of selling, instead of the 3 or 4 I'm doing now.
One of the biggest problems is the sluggishness of the OS4 on the 3GS phone. I should be able to sell off 50 tanks in about 20 mins instead of the 40 mins or so it takes now. Somebody in my comments yesterday posted instructions on how to downgrade your phone back to the older OS. Do I have the guts and the time to try it? We will see.

Good luck tapping to everyone out there. May you all hit 40,000 XP tomorrow.


Day 34: Oops! Coin Correction.

A little bit embarrasing day. After bragging yesterday about my 17 tanks of eels, I woke up this morning and realized that I had mistakenly filled tank 5 with Green Snappers. Moreover, those were Greenies that hadn't been touched for 12 hours. What a waste. I tried to compensate by restocking with my grunt money and money from 21 Eels that had matured in tank six, but in the end I can only fill tank 5 with 34 Eels at this time. Therefore my coin and eel total at the top of my blog has decreased somewhat. What a dork I am.
Well today I tapped 37,000 XP. I think I could have done more. Boy, do I regret upgrading to OS4 before finishing my quest. I wonder if a person can downgrade. Anybody out there know about this. Tapfish says they are working on it, but who knows how long that will take.
Today I reached level 72 after 2 and a half days. I wish the message didn't read "you just need 80,000 points" but "you need a whole shitload of points to reach the next level". That would be a lot less irritating that "you just need"
By the way, apparently a new program was released today: TapBird. It's the same thing as TapFish except it is with birds. I'm too busy doing my thing to check it out, but if you readers are free, why don't you go out and see if you can set the TapBird World Record? Remember to video record your start and make a blog. I'll be reading!


Day 33 Thoughts and Reflections

Today was a horrendously busy day at work, thus the disappointing 27,000 XP for today. I failed to get to Level 72 and basically lost a day. On a brighter note, I sold my eels and almost doubled my coins. 64.5 million I have means I have one tenth of my required cash. Right now my present state is 17 tanks of eels, 3 tanks of Grunts, 10 tanks of Goldfish, and 41 tanks of Greenies. I converted almost all my money into Eels, with a little chump change left over.
This means that tomorrow I will be tapping about 51 tanks throughout the day. To get to 40,000 XP on 51 tanks means I have to sell them off 5 times over; difficult but not impossible. My usually busy Wednesday schedule has opened up a bit so I is indeed possible tomorrow. My present strategy is to get the 600 mil out of the way as soon as possible, and then try to sell 70+ tanks of Greenies to compensate afterwards. I've got 17 days to 50 days, so how would this scenario play out?

Let me see...

I have 850 Eels in 17 tanks (keep in mind that tank 6 is a full tank, but the eels are of mixed ages)

Four days from now
850 times 135,000 coins (hand sold with happiness) equals 114,750,000 coins
114,750,000 divided by 75,000 for new Eels equals 1530 Eels in 30.6 tanks

Eight Days from now:
1530 times 135,000 coins equals 206,550,000 coins
206,550,000 divided by 75,000 equals 2754 Eels in 55.1 tanks

Twelve Days from now:
2754 times 135,000 coins equals 371,790,000 coins
At this point it will not be possible for me to buy ,say, more than 75 tanks of eels, so
75 times 50 equals 3750 Eels costing 281, 250,000 coins (in savings 90,054,000)

Sixteen Days from now:
3750 Eels times 135,000 equals 506,250,000 coins plus 90,054,000 savings equals 596.3 million.

How about the 3.6 million shortfall? Well, I am running a tank or two of Grunts which when I sell and convert to Eels may make up for this. I'm also getting about 30,000 coins daily from my greenies, and 10,000 daily from love tapping which over 16 days will give me half a mill or so.

Can I get there in fifty? Looks iffy, but I'll give it my best.


Day 32 Discovered an interesting Phenomena

Take a good look at the picture at the left. What you are looking at is not one Lionfish but 50 Lionfish sitting in the exact same place. This is my tapping tank (the place where I sell fish as soon as their born). Usually I tap on the food block and the fish feed before the next is hatched. This gives me about 20 to 30 extra experience points.
However tapping on baby Greenies with my tired hands gets to be a pain, so I like to use a bigger target, hence the Lionfish. To my surprise, the Lionfish go to the food block in the corner, but they are too big to actually eat from it, so they just sit there....forever. If you change tanks and come back they are fed and moving around, but not if you stay at the same tank. The up side of this is that it becomes very easy to tap on them because they don't move, so the tank sells quickly. Try it and see what happens.
Speaking of Lionfish, I bet it has been a while since you have seen an Exotic fish in a tank. This is because all the the Super Exotics have gotten all the attention. Playing a speed game like mine, there is no real need to ever buy Exotics. Greenies are for XP and Super Exotics such as Goldfish, Dwarves, and Grunts are for points. The problem with this is that it makes the speed game a little boring. An anonymous commentator from the day before made the point that Tap Fish becomes boring because of the vast point difference between fish. Fish like Greenies, Grunts, and Eels get overused while others such as a Frontosa, or a Banded Butterfly get ignored. I'm not a technical guy, so I don't know if this is possible or not, but wouldn't it be fun if the growing time and point value of fish changed every 5 Levels or so? For example, you hit level 30 and suddenly the Box fish matures in 3 hours while a mature Banded Butterfly is worth 2000 XP? The change would make the game fun for math guys like me, and we wouldn't have to stare at the same Grunts, Greenies, and Eels end up going to every time.
How about it everyone? Is this a good idea? Let me know!
Oh! About my game. I was busy at work, so I only managed to Tap 37,000 today. However I have some time so perhaps I can push it to 40,000. Wish me luck!

Day  31 Fell Asleep Doing Tapfish

Hello, everyone. I am sure glad I put up big numbers during the week because all the Fourth of July festivities I had to go to really cut into my Tap Fish time yesterday. I barely got to level 71 and ended up falling asleep in my Tap Fish chair soon afterwards. This whole week may be hectic, so my blogs may be a bit short or even skipped. I love keeping everyone updated, but at this time of the game, the fish come first!

Tomorrow I will see most of my Eels mature. I soon after I will buy as many more as I can to increase my coin as much as possible. Hand selling ten tanks of them will definitely by a bit of a chore, however. Wish me luck!


A Month Has Passed: Result 447 Eels

Well it has been a month since I started. Can you believe it? When I started, part of me thought I could have been finished by now. Tap Fish had other ideas.
I wasn't sure if I would blog today, because there is nothing really new to report. You all know the situation: he tapped a lot, made about 40,000 XP but probably still stuck on level 70. This about sums it up. I tapped just under 45,000 XP and am now just under 30,000 away from 71. I should make it there even though family obligations will plague me most of this fourth of July.
However I am writing today because one of my readers, Coach Joonie was wondering about all my eels. More specifically, how many and how am I using them. Right now tanks 1 to 10 are devoted to them. tanks 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 are full tanks that were filled at the same time. Tank 10 (pictured here) only has 19 eels because that was all I could afford at the time. When the eel money ran out I switched to Grunts, then Dwaves, and finally goldfish to fill out the tank. Waste not, wont not. Tank 6 is out of sync with the others because this tank is devoted to eels I bought during my day to day tapping, thus the ages of the eels of this tank vary widely. Today I sold about 4 eels from here which is why my coins increased my half a million. I immediately bought more eels after selling them.
How much, then, will I make from my eels in the next big sell off two days from now. Well, excluding the 38 unsynced eels in tank 6, I have 409 eels to sell. If I hand sell them all, I will make 60,000 coin profit an eel for a total profit of 24.5 million. This should give me a net worth of about 58 million, which will all go back into buying 15.5 tanks of eels. It is still far off from my goal of 600 million, but it is a good healthy profit for four days work and one that should expand exponentially as I raise more and more eels.
The strategy right now is to make the 600 million with the eels as soon as possible, perhaps before I reach level 80. I will then pocket the cash and convert all my tanks to Greenies. Can you imagine that? Selling off 75 or so tanks of Greenies in a day? I'm about to find out soon. kids, don't try this at home.
Take care you all. My eyes can barely keep open so I will end this blog here.


Into the last Long Stretch

I've made it to level 70 today, the last long stretch to the final Great White stage. I've unlocked the Manta Ray, but it does not matter. Just another unused fish on my quest for Tap Fish Greatness. Nothing matters other than those 4000 Great Whites I need when I reach level 80.
It took me 28 days, 20 hours to reach Level 70. I thought I could have broken it a little sooner, such as at about noon time, but a series of events limited my growth to just 30,000 XP today. First there was a new work schedule that made my morning too hectic to tap.
Before that, however, I made one fatal error in the early morning that through my whole day off.
Today my first batch of Electric eels matured at about 6:00 in the morning. overly excited, I decided to tend to them before my 60-odd tanks of Greenies. Being such an expensive fish, however, I decided to hand sell all 4 and a half tanks of them. It was then I found out the reason why Eels are the best best money maker in the the game. They are the best money maker because they are almost impossible to sell by hand. While something like a Dwarf gives a nice round target to tap on, these eels are so thin and tiny even as adults that they tend to skitter away the moment your finger nears. Add to this the planning time needed to decide how many tanks I wanted to restock with eels, it took me almost 30 minutes before I was done with them, giving me little time to sell off all my Greenies. As a result I only managed to sell off 20 tanks of Greenies in the early morning and the rest had to wait until 9:30 to be sold.
Let this be a lesson to everyone. The points come before the money. The eels might be sexier than those Greenies, but your Greenies are your bread and butter. Give them the attention they deserve.
I've made it quite far in tap fish, but there is still a ways to go. Tap Fish says that I "just need" 80,000 XP to get to 71, but that's nearly two days away, at my present 40,000 XP a day pace. Although I have many more tanks, they take so much time considering how bloody slow Tap Fish runs on OS4. I hope the company finds a way to speed it up to its former glory. Right now it takes over a half hour to tap once through all my tanks and unless that is shortened or my wife and boss find a way for me to get paid playing Tap Fish all day long, I can't hope to tap much more than my personal best of 48,500 XP.
My fellow Tapper Rchelle found a way to increase XP income using Food Blocks. Apparently if you introduce new fish right on top of the block, it eats instantaneously and gives you a bonus XP per Fish. Theoretically you could get an extra 50 XP per tank. However these Food Blocks are Expensive and cannot be moved from tank to tank. Do I really want to blow 4 million coins to install these in all my tanks? Besides, Tap Fish has this annoying habit of confirming every point you make from feeding, meaning you would have to make an additional 50 time-wasting taps to say okay to each fish. Not for me. If I can get my 600 mil ahead of the 80 Levels, maybe I'll resort to this as a late game plan. Right now I think I will stick to my 150 XP tank scenario. I'm married too much to my IPhone as it is. Can you believe I've barely touched my new IPad I got two weeks ago.
Take care all and happy tapping!


Day 28: One away from 70

Today I am posting a short blog in the mid afternoon because I have a busy evening ahead of me. Today went well, I have tapped almost 40,000 so far and moved to level 69 in mid afternoon. I should hit level 70 by mid afternoon tomorrow as well. My arm is a little sore from the tapping, so there is a slight possibility that I might put my IPhone down this evening. (emphasis on the word "slight"). Tomorrow will also be the day my eels ripen and I get to find out how far I have advanced coin-wise. It would be nice to get near 100 mil, but don't hold your breath. At this rate, I still have 19-20 days of tapping ahead of me.
Take care everyone and have a nice day. Sorry for being short and sweet, but my left arm is about to fall off!
Update: No amount of tennis elbow will stop my tapping. I continued on in the evening and increased my one-day total to 48,500 XP. I'm just a little over 20,000 XP to Level 70. Tap til your arm falls off!